Recording available: CSPC panel 128 – Roles & Responsibilities of Academic Science Societies in informing Policy: Lessons & Observations from Around the World

The recording of the CSPC panel from November 17 2020 is now available from the CSPC. Learn more on their website:

CAN President Charles Bourque’s intervention begins at 1:08. Continue reading

Clinician Scientist Fellowships – University of Alberta

The Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute (NMHI) at the University of Alberta is offering two fellowships to attract outstanding clinician scientists in training to the University of Alberta to conduct postdoctoral research in neurology and neuroscience: The Mildred I. Olsen Neurology Fellowship and The University Hospital Foundation Neurology Fellowship.

To apply:

  • Your supervisor must be a member of the NMHI (applicants must identify and contact a potential NMHI supervisor before applying);
  • You must hold an MD and plan to work in an area that falls within the NMHI research areas;

The value of each fellowship is $70,000 to be used towards salary costs; supervisors are responsible for benefits. The awards are tenable at the University of Alberta.

Deadline for Applications: August 31, 2021

About the NMHI: The NMHI is a multi-faculty, interdisciplinary teaching and research institute located at the University of Alberta. It is home to over 150 scientists and clinicians, spanning across all areas of neuroscience and mental health.

Contact information

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Shedding light on adult brain stem cells

Armen SaghatelyanA CERVO research centre team demonstrates the role of light and calcium ions in neural stem cell activation in adulthood

It has long been believed that neurons in the human brain develop only during the period from embryogenesis to adolescence. It is now known that in some areas of the brain, neural stem cells remain and give rise to neurons even in adults. “These stem cells can remain quiescent for long periods of time and we still know very little about the mechanisms that make them go from a quiescent state to an activated state,” says Armen Saghatelyan, from the Université Laval and the CERVO Brain Research Centre. Continue reading

Researchers close in on root of slow motor learning in autism

Simon Chen
Simon Chen
Image source

Social deficits attract so much attention in the study of autism spectrum disorder, it’s easy to forget there are motor learning deficits during early childhood as well. For autistic kids hoping to throw a ball around the schoolyard and connect with classmates, these physical skill differences can isolate a child further.

In a new study published in Nature Neuroscience researchers from the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine have closed in on the neurological underpinnings of the motor learning delay. Dr. Simon Chen’s lab in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine used a mouse model of autism to demonstrate a shortage in the amount of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline being released into the brain’s primary motor cortex.

Dr. Chen’s lab identified the problem originating some distance away in an area of the hindbrain called the locus coeruleus, which is known as a center of motivation, alertness, and attention.

Read the rest of the press release on the University of Ottawa website:

Original research article:

Yin, X., Jones, N., Yang, J. et al. Delayed motor learning in a 16p11.2 deletion mouse model of autism is rescued by locus coeruleus activation. Nat Neurosci (2021).

CAN Trainee research feature: Ewen Lavoie – University of Alberta

Ewen Lavoie presents work he has done in the laboratory of Dr. Craig Chapman at the University of Alberta, and published here:

Lavoie, E., & Chapman, C. S. (2021). What’s limbs got to do with it? Real-world movement correlates with feelings of ownership over virtual arms during object interactions in virtual reality. Neuroscience of Consciousness.

Check out all our CAN Trainee research features here

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Experimental Quantum Neuroscience – University of Waterloo

The Quantum Neuroscience research group at the University of Waterloo, Canada is seeking an outstanding applicant for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship with experience in electrophysiology and molecular neuroscience.

Motivated by growing interest in the possibility that quantum effects may be at play in neuroscience, the University of Waterloo Quantum Neuroscience research group is aiming to find experimental evidence of novel quantum effects across established mammalian models used in experimental neuroscience. Specifically, the project will focus on studying the effects lithium isotopes may have on the electrophysiological activity of rodent-derived brain tissue. The demonstration of a lithium isotope effect in brain activity will be of great interest in helping to shed light on its mode of action. Of particular interest, a lithium isotope effect on animal behaviour was previously reported by Sechzer et al. [DOI:10.1016/0006-3223(86)90308-2] and, more recently, by Ettenberg et al. [DOI:10.1016/j.pbb.2020.172875]. In addition, the Waterloo Team recently obtained experimental evidence for a lithium isotope effect on electrical responses of rodent brain tissue. The post-doctoral fellow will extend this work using electrophysiology and other biochemical and biophysical methods.

The Waterloo Quantum Neuroscience research team consists of four faculty members: Zoya Leonenko, Michel Gingras, John Mielke and Michael Beazely and 12 undergraduate and graduate students. The team adopts an interdisciplinary approach that brings together expertise in theoretical physics, experimental biophysics, molecular pharmacology and neuroscience. The Waterloo team is part of the International Quantum Brain Network and works on this project in collaboration with Matthew Fisher at the University of California at Santa Barbara and four other research laboratories and is funded by an industrial pharmaceutical partner.

As a part of this project, we are seeking a post-doctoral level scientist with the following key characteristics and skills:

  • neuroscience-related, or biophysics doctoral degree
  • demonstrated expertise in the recording of field potentials (ideally, using multi-electrode arrays)
  • demonstrated research excellence in publications and presentations
  • well-developed ability to write in English
  • strong ability to work effectively within an inter-disciplinary team (involving biologists, physicists, and trainees at all levels)
  • detail-oriented with strong organizational skills
  • expertise with statistical tools typically used in biophysics and medical science
  • training in basic molecular biology techniques (such as Western blotting) is a plus

Expected duties and responsibilities:

  1. design and execute experiments
  2. work with team members to identify experimental goals and the research plans needed to reach these targets
  3. use a multi-electrode array (MED64) to perform field recording experiments from tissue slices acutely prepared from rodent brain
  4. analyze and present data, prepare written reports, and manuscript drafts
  5. analyze and present data for regular lab meetings
  6. present results (in poster, or oral form) at scientific meetings
  7. mentor junior trainees
  8. serve as a role model for junior-level trainees by providing constructive feedback and maintaining a friendly disposition

The position is initially for a 12-month appointment, with the possibility of renewal for up to three years, depending on performance. Applications will be considered until a suitable applicant is found. The start date can be as early as May 1, 2021.

To apply, please send a cover letter (2 pages maximum), a CV (including your education, scientific skills, your research experience and list of publications) and contact information for at least three senior researchers familiar with your research credentials and expertise who could provide a letter of reference on your behalf.

Contact information

Please send your application by email to: with subject line: PDF Applicant QNeuro; Last name, First name.

Posting end date: 2021-10-01

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Postdoc position in neural stem cell biology – University of Toronto

The Yuzwa lab in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto is seeking to hire a Post-doctoral Fellow. Work in our lab aims to understand how cell genesis occurs in the developing and mature brain under conditions of healthy physiology and disease. To do so, we are currently studying the role of cell signaling inhibition and developing/applying tools to probe lineage and spatial relationships in the brain. Such studies typically involve the use of traditional neurobiological approaches (immunostaining, primary culture, transgenics, etc.) and tools from systems-biology (single-cell genomics and spatially-resolved transcriptomic approaches).

The successful applicant, working independently with consultation from the Principal Investigator (PI), will apply and advance the aforementioned systems-biology tools to characterize neural stem cell biology and the impacts of disease on these cells. The applicant will also be required to validate and test predictions resulting from these data using biochemical, primary neural culture, small animal surgery or transgenic based approaches.

Primary responsibilities will largely include carrying out an independent research project as described above. However, the applicant may be required (as directed by the PI) to 1) work with and train graduate/undergraduate students; 2) help ensure the smooth functioning of the lab (such as maintaining supplies and equipment) and; 3) collaborate with internal/external research groups.

Qualifications (Minimum):

Education: Applicant must hold a PhD or equivalent degree (within 3 years of being awarded) by the agreed upon start date in neuroscience, molecular biology, molecular genetics, cell biology, biochemistry or a related discipline.

Experience: Applicant must demonstrate a strong record of research achievement as evidenced by the ability to prepare and publish scientific manuscripts in major journals and present research findings at scientific meetings. Familiarity with any one or more of the following: neurobiology, synthetic biology, bioinformatics or single-cell genomics would be an asset.

Skills: Prior training in cell culture and molecular biological techniques is required (at minimum). In addition, the successful applicant must possess a number of the following skills: experience with transcriptomics/next-generation sequencing; experience with experimental design and trouble-shooting; ability to adapt and learn new techniques; strong communicator (both oral and written); excellent analytical and problem-resolution skills; good time management and organization skills with the ability to work on multiple competing tasks. Ability to complete University of Toronto certification in chemical, biosafety and animal care, procedures will be required.

Contact information

Please forward a cover letter, CV and names and contact information for three references to:

Dr. Scott Yuzwa
Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology
University of Toronto
Medical Sciences Building, 1 King’s College Circle,
Toronto, ON M5S 1A8

Posting end date 2021/04/26

Download a PDF version of this advertisement: Yuzwa_PostDoc_Posting_Mar2021_FINAL.pdf

Two Postdoc positions are available to study the role of primary cilia in neurodevelopment – University of Calgary

Two postdoctoral fellow positions in the field of Neuroscience are immediately available in the research group of Dr. Jiami Guo, Calgary University, Alberta, Canada. The research team focuses on the function of primary cilia, under-appreciated cellular antenna, in brain development and function and how disrupted cilia contribute to neurological disorders such as intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and glioblastoma.
Interested applicants must have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree in a field related to Neuroscience or Biomedical sciences.

For position 1, previous research experience with neurodevelopment, human/mouse genetics, iPSC, biochemistry, molecular cloning, organoids, single-cell RNAseq, next-generation RNAseq will be considered a plus;

For position 2, 2-photon live imaging, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, optogenetic/chemogenetic neural circuit manipulations, rodent behavioral assays, neural surgeries and viral delivery of genes will be considered a strong plus. This position will be co-supervised by another PI who is a leading expert in these techniques.

Successful applicants will be highly motivated and energetic individuals with good communication skills, interest and experience in neuroscience/cell biology /developmental biology /genetics, and will have a proven publication record and the ability to work independently.

The research group of Dr. Jiami Guo is part of the Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy. Dr. Guo is a New York Stem Cell Foundation Robertson Investigator, a member of the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute and Hotchkiss Brain Institute. These institutes provide an international, dynamic and collaborative research environment and stimulate innovative basic and biomedical research.

To apply, please send a cover letter describing research background and interests, plus Curriculum Vitae with a complete list of all your journal publications and the contact information of 3 professional references to Dr. Jiami Guo (email: