Research Assistant – University of Victoria – Brown Lab


Dr. Craig Brown’s laboratory in the Division of Medical Sciences at the University of Victoria in British Columbia is now accepting applications for a Full-time Research Assistant position to beginning in the fall of 2019. Dr. Brown’s research program is interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms of brain plasticity and repair. To address these questions, the lab employs a multi-disciplinary approach, imaging the structure and function of neurons, microglial and endothelial cells in the living brain in tandem with genetic, biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural approaches.


The primary responsibilities of the successful candidate will be to assist in ongoing research projects that include but are not limited to:

  • performing surgery in mice
  • protein and mRNA quantification and analysis (western blot, ELISA, qPCR, PCR, RNA seq, Gene Ontology analysis)
  • histology (immunohistochemistry, tissue sectioning) and fluorescence microscopy (widefield, confocal, 2-photon)
  • general lab maintenance and ordering of supplies


The ideal candidate will be highly motivated, hard working, responsible, independent and passionate about research and possess the following qualifications.

  • Hold, at a minimum, an MSc degree and 2 years of research experience working in a neuroscience, biochemistry or related research lab;
  • Preference will go to candidates with extensive experience performing animal surgery and molecular biology assays;
  • Candidates with expertise using fluorescence microscopy, electrophysiology, testing rodent behavior tests are also encouraged to apply for this position ;
  • Able to manage multiple responsibilities and tasks effectively, with a strong attention to detail

Salary will be commensurate with the level of experience.


For more information, and to apply, please contact Dr. Brown ( or his website:


Apply to:

Dr. Craig Brown

Associate Professor, Division of Medical Sciences

University of Victoria

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Science doesn’t usually get a lot of attention during elections, and we think that needs to change. We need your help to send a message that Canadians care about science.

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Postdoctoral Position in Systems Neuroscience – University of Toronto Scarborough

The Arruda-Carvalho lab is looking for a highly motivated applicant to lead a collaborative, HFSP-funded project focusing on the neural mechanisms of fear generalization in mice. The project will include experiments spanning behaviour, slice electrophysiology, stereotaxic surgery, fiber photometry and optogenetics. The project is part of a collaborative grant with the Grewe lab in the University of Zurich and the Kheirbeck lab at UCSF.

We are looking for applicants with a PhD in neuroscience, biology, psychology or closely related field. Experience with rodent research is necessary. Experience with slice electrophysiology (whole cell patch clamping) and stereotaxic surgery is wanted but not a requirement.

Please visit our lab website to learn more about our group:
Contact information All individuals interested in this position must submit a CV, statement of interest and a list of references to

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Postdoctoral Scholar to join a neurovascular imaging laboratory at University of Nevada

The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Department of Physiology & Cell Biology is currently seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join a neurovascular imaging laboratory. The applicant will have a deep understanding of the neurovascular coupling and cerebral blood flow regulation.

The successful applicant will be responsible for conducting independent experiments that involve delicate surgeries, complex pharmacological manipulations and highly technical imaging. The ideal candidate has extensive knowledge of vascular biology and/or neuroscience. The incumbent will be required to write manuscripts with guidance from the principal investigator, and present data at national and international conferences. The position requires great technical skills, ability to adapt, troubleshoot experimental protocols, and some scientific creativity. Some computer skills, including Matlab, are highly recommended.

Our lab utilizes two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) to understand how neural cells communicate with vascular cells in order to regulate blood flow to match with metabolic demands. The unique strengths of our approach include state-of-the art TPLSM, awake in vivo mouse model, and advanced techniques including optogenetics, chemogenetics. In addition, we use complementary in vitro models to probe different physiological parameters to understand the interaction among members of the neurovascular unit. We are also interested in uncovering how local signals are integrated to globally regulate blood flow distribution to match moment-to- moment brain activity.

Required Qualifications

The successful candidate will have a recent PhD in vascular biology or neuroscience. The candidate has the ability to troubleshoot complex technical experiments and change procedures as required. Ability to work independently and in a collaborative environment is needed. The candidate also needs to be able to think critically about the projects. Experience in working with animal models is necessary. Good written and verbal communication skills are a must.

Preferred Qualifications

Ability to perform in vitro and/or in vivo experiments is highly desired. Experience in imaging and/or electrophysiology is recommended. Solid publication record is a plus.

Department Information

Our Department ranks highest in extramural research funding among the Departments of the School of Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno, as well as in the number of scientific articles published. The Department contributes to several NIH-funded Program grants such as Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (“COBREs”) Smooth Muscle and Cell Biology, IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) and Program Project Grant (PPG) in its 23rd year.
Contact information Department Contact
Cam Ha Tran, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine, Dept. of Physiology & Cell Biology Office: 775-682-9830

New Principal Investigator position in adult neurological diseases using zebra fish approaches

New Principal Investigator position in adult neurological diseases using zebra fish approaches at the CHUM Research Center – Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal

The Research Centre of CHUM (CRCHUM) in partnership with the Department of Neurosciences of the Université de Montréal (UdeM) is seeking applicants for a principal investigator position at the rank of assistant or associate research professor in the field of neuroscience and the specific use of zebrafish for the study of adult neurological disorders. The ideal candidate will be zebrafish neurobiologist with a strong expertise in transgenic, genetic and genetic regulation.

The new principal investigator will play a key role in complementing the research strengths of the CRCHUM especially in neurosciences. The mission of the CRCHUM-Neuroscience research axis is to elucidate the biological, environmental and social mechanisms of adult neurological diseases and to develop novel and innovative therapies to prevent, treat or cure them. The research activities incorporate clinical, basic and translational research and focus on neurodegeneration/neurorepair, neuroimmunology, neurovascular/stroke and epilepsy. The CRCHUM neuroscience research activities build on complementary and well-integrated teams and a vast array of cutting-edge approaches. Moreover, multiple research groups within the Faculty of Medicine and the larger Montreal research community offer numerous opportunities for collaboration. Montreal hosts one of the biggest neuroscience communities in North America. UdeM offers excellent training in neurosciences with undergraduate and graduate programs in neuroscience. This cosmopolitan city favors lively and culturally rich lifestyle.


The applicant’s research program should address fundamental biological questions relevant to the physiopathology and treatment of adult neurological diseases, from the cellular/molecular to network levels, using zebrafish approaches. The candidate will have access to a large fish facility.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree, with postdoctoral experience and a strong publication record in zebrafish neurosciences. Candidates will be expected to develop an innovative, internationally recognized, externally funded research program and contribute to teaching as well as to some administrative and academic activities at CRCHUM and UdeM.

Applications must be submitted electronically to

Those received by October 1st 2019 will be given priority consideration, but the position will remain open until filled. A complete application will consist of a cover letter, a complete CV, a detailed research plan (3 pages limit) as well as three letters of support to be submitted separately by the referees, preferably in electronic format to:

Nathalie Arbour Ph.D.
Head Neuroscience Research Theme CRCHUM
Full Professor, Department of Neurosciences, Université de Montréal
Attention: Director of Human Resources, Mrs Christine Bellefeuille

About the CHUM Research Center

CHUM and its research center (CRCHUM) is one of the largest hospital-based research centres in North America. The CHUM Research Centre is a place of excellence where knowledge, expertise and innovation coexist, bringing tangible benefits to patients. More than 1800 employees including over 500 researchers and 400 students integrate the entire research continuum, including basic, clinical and population health research. For more information, please visit us at

About Université de Montréal

The Université de Montréal is one of the leading research universities in Canada. Together, with its two affiliated schools, HEC Montréal and École Polytechnique, it constitutes one of the largest centres of higher education in North America. For more information, please visit the following link:

About Faculty of Medicine

An internationally renowned institution, the Faculty of Medicine has the threefold mission of education, research and the improvement of health in the areas of clinical sciences, basic sciences and health sciences. It has 16 departments, two schools and more than 700 professors (excluding clinical professors), serving more than 6000 students. A third of the physicians in Quebec and a large number of health professionals in the province have been trained at the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine.

* Language Policy

Université de Montréal is a Quebec university with an international reputation. French is the language of instruction. To renew its teaching faculty, the University is intensively recruiting the world’s best specialists. In accordance with the institution’s language policy, Université de Montréal provides support for newly-recruited faculty to attain proficiency in French.


The Université de Montréal application process allows all regular professors in the Department to have access to all documents unless the applicant explicitly states in her or his cover letter that access to the application should be limited to the selection committee. This restriction on accessibility will be lifted if the applicant is invited for an interview.

Equal Access Employment Program

Through its Equal Access Employment Program, Université de Montréal invites women, aboriginal people, visible and ethnical minorities, as well as persons with disabilities to apply. During the recruitment process, our selection tools will be adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities who request it. Be assured of the confidentiality of this information. The Université de Montréal is committed to the inclusion and the diversity of its staff and also encourages people of all sexual and gender identities to apply.

Immigration Requirements

We invite all qualified candidates to apply at UdeM. However, in accordance with immigration requirements in Canada, please note that priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Contact information Dr Nathalie Arbour, Head of Neurosciences divisions, Research Centre of the University of Montreal Hospital (CRCHUM):

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