Computational Neuroscience Research Scientist Faculty Position – Krembil Research Institute

Position: Computational Neuroscience Research Scientist
Site: Krembil Research Institute/Toronto Western Hospital
Department: Research
Reports to: Institute Director
Status: Permanent Full-time

The ideal candidate will have a PhD in a relevant field, research expertise and experience in mathematical and computational modeling, and research interests that complement those of the Institute in neurobiology and neurodegeneration. Candidates whose research interests encompass cellular, micro/macro circuits and/or large scale brain models, and who have collaborative experimental experience are especially encouraged. The successful candidate will have the ability to establish an independent, well-funded program and will be eligible for appointment at the appropriate level within the University of Toronto.

Qualified applicants are invited to submit their online application (letter of interest, research plan, curriculum vitae), in PDF format as well as complete some initial screening questions. The search committee will begin to review applications in January with a potential start date in Spring/Summer 2020.

Contact: Frances Skinner

CAN Parliament Hill Day – March 31st, 2020 – Call for participants

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience is planning a day on Parliament Hill to advocate for increased federal funding for scientific research, through increased investments in the three main granting councils of Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience wants to bring a diverse group of neuroscientists to Parliament Hill to share their stories with Members of Parliament, Senators and Parliament Hill staff members.  Continue reading

Science was not an Election 2019 issue – but it should be a priority for the next Government

By Tarik Möröy and Katalin Tóth — published in National Newswatch — Oct 25 2019

During Election 2019, the issue of poorly funded scientific research in Canada was not addressed by the major Parties and their leaders. Now, scientists across the country are concerned that they will not have the needed Federal support to make groundbreaking discoveries that move Canada and the world forward.

Investing in scientific research isn’t just important for scientists, it impacts the daily lives of all Canadians. From innovative treatments to cure diseases that affect millions of Canadians, to new technologies that can help us address the global climate crisis, scientific research is essential to confronting the issues that we face today and that our children will meet in the future. These investments are not simply expenses; they contribute significantly to the prosperity of our country, which gains from the work of highly-trained scientists, and the knowledge they generate, to drive today’s innovation-based economy. Continue reading

Post-doctoral position – Dr. Junchul Kim lab in Psychology/Cell and Systems Biology Department in the University of Toronto

A funded postdoctoral fellow position is available (start date is negotiable) at Dr. Junchul Kim lab in Psychology/Cell and Systems Biology Department in the University of Toronto, Canada. The lab uses optogenetics, chemogenetics, intersectional viral tools, and calcium imaging to understand neural circuits underlying memory in mice. The selected candidate will also participate in collaborative projects for investigating working memory, anxiety, and escape behaviours. A strong understanding of behavioral neuroscience is desired.

Specific skills and qualifications for the position include:

  • PhD in Neuroscience, Physiology, Psychology, or a related field.
  • Experience with stereotaxic surgery.
  • Experience with mouse behavioral tests.
  • Experience with in vivo calcium imaging is desirable.
  • Experience with molecular biology is encouraged but not a requirement.

Salaries will be in line with University of Toronto postdoctoral stipend levels. To apply, please send curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research experience and interests, and letters of reference to Dr. Junchul Kim ( Please also visit our website to learn more about the lab:

Contact information

Junchul Kim
100 St.George st, Room 4028.
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto,

Phone 1-416-578-8319



Assistant Professor – Brain & Cognitive Science – University of Manitoba

Assistant Professor – Brain & Cognitive Science

Job Description:

Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba
Brain and Cognitive Science, Assistant Professor – Position # 28103

The Department of Psychology at the University of Manitoba invites applications for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the area of Brain and Cognitive Science. Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2019 and the appointment has an anticipated start date of July 1, 2020.

Job description: We seek a colleague with an active and promising program of research in any area of Brain and Cognitive Science (excluding nonhuman primate research) with preference for candidates whose research program will augment the department’s technological and methodological diversity.


The successful candidate will be expected to develop an internationally competitive research program, attract external funding, teach undergraduate and graduate level courses, supervise graduate and undergraduate research, and contribute to departmental service.


Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent degree completed at the start date of the appointment. Preference will be given to candidates with postdoctoral or equivalent experience, demonstrated evidence of successful teaching experience, and demonstrated evidence of research excellence including a track record of peer-reviewed publications, a record of presentations at national and international conferences, and the potential to attract external grant funding.

Additional Information:

The institution: The University of Manitoba is the province’s largest research-intense University. The Department of Psychology is the largest academic unit in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Manitoba with 36 faculty members, 14 support staff, over 110 graduate students, and ample space for offices, laboratories, and classrooms. More information about the University, the Department, the City, and the Province can be found at the links below.
– Department of Psychology (
– Brain and Cognitive Sciences Area
– Faculty of Arts (
– University of Manitoba (
– City of Winnipeg (
– Province of Manitoba (
– University of Manitoba’s Strategic Plan

Application information:

Applications for this position must include a letter of application, a CV, a research statement, a teaching statement, copies of up to three recent publications, and contact information for three letters of reference.

Electronic (preferred) applications should be emailed to: Hard copy applications should be sent to:

Dr. Randall K. Jamieson, Acting Head
Department of Psychology
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R3T 2N2

The University of Manitoba is strongly committed to equity and diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from women, racialized persons, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, persons of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. If you require accommodation supports during the recruitment process, please contact U of M’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Facilitator, Valerie Williams at or 204-474-8371. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

Application materials, including letters of reference, will be handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Province of Manitoba). Please note that application materials will be provided to participating members of the search process.

Contact information

Dr. Randall K. Jamieson, Acting Head, Department of Psychology
randy.jamieson (at)

Posting end date: 2019/12/02

Download a PDF version of this advertisement: Assistant-Professor-Brain-Cognitive-Science-Requisition-No-09110

Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, McMaster University

The Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position in Neuroscience at the Assistant Professor level, beginning July 1, 2020.

We seek a researcher who uses animal models to investigate fundamental neuroscience questions at any level(s) ranging from cells to circuits and systems. Applications from any area of neuroscience are welcome, and applications from early-career researchers are especially encouraged.

Our department has long-standing strengths in sensory systems and behavioural neuroscience, and state-of-the art animal facilities. We also have strengths in perception, cognition, development, evolutionary psychology, and animal behaviour. We value and encourage collaboration among researchers, and have close ties with the Departments of Biology and Kinesiology and the Faculties of Engineering and Health Sciences. Many of our faculty are affiliated with McMaster’s Neuroscience Graduate Program, and together with the Department of Biology, our department founded and administers McMaster’s Neuroscience Undergraduate program.

McMaster University is a globally renowned institution of higher learning and a research community committed to advancing human and societal health and well-being. Our focus on collaboratively exchanging ideas and approaches makes us uniquely positioned to pioneer ground-breaking solutions to real-world problems leading to a Brighter World. The Faculty of Science works to create global impact by advancing scientific discovery and knowledge, and promoting greater understanding. Our innovative, interdisciplinary approach generates new methods and insights, results, and lasting change.

Faculty members at McMaster enjoy numerous personal and professional benefits. University employees are offered an excellent benefits package that includes, but is not limited to, extended health care, dental care, group life, long term disability, worldwide travel assistance, and a retirement plan. Progressive policies are in place to assist faculty who are parents and/or need to care for family members. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

McMaster is located in Hamilton, Ontario, which is part of the “Golden Horseshoe” region of southern Ontario. Hamilton is located between Toronto and the Niagara/Buffalo area. It sits on the shores of Lake Ontario alongside the Niagara escarpment, and boasts an abundance of waterfalls, hiking trails, and green space.

All candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, and be committed to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Interested applicants should submit a copy of their curriculum vitae, teaching and research statements, a one-page statement on equity and diversity, and three representative publications (reprints or preprints).

Complete applications must be made online at (Faculty Positions, Job ID 28515) to the attention of:

Dr. Bruce Milliken, Professor & Chair
Chair, Search Committee
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,
L8S 4K1

Academic reference letters are not required at the time of application, but applicants should provide the names of three referees who may be subsequently contacted. Please know and alert your referees that their letters and your full application may be read by all faculty members in the Department and other persons associated with hiring at McMaster.

Review of complete applications will begin November 1st, 2019 and continue until the position is filled. The effective date of appointment is expected to be July 1, 2020. All applicants will receive an on-line confirmation of receipt of their application; however, only short-listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

Download a pdf version of this advertisement: McMaster-Neuroscience-Job-Ad

Assistant Professor – Tenure-track, University of Toronto Scarborough

The Department of Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment in the area of Neuroscience. The appointment is at the rank of Assistant Professor and will commence on July 1, 2020, or shortly thereafter.

Candidates must have a PhD in Biological Sciences or a related field, at least one year of postdoctoral experience, an outstanding research record and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The successful candidate must employ the latest empirical approaches to understand brain function on multiple levels ranging from the genomic and cellular to circuits and entire organisms. We are particularly interested in candidates who will create synergies with existing neuroscience research within the department and seek those who complement and deepen our existing departmental strengths. Research areas and technological approaches of the successful candidate may include but are not limited to:

  • mechanisms of behavioural adaptation
  • neurodevelopment
  • stress
  • neurodegeneration
  • neuroimmunology

The successful candidate will be expected to conduct innovative and independent research at the highest international level and to establish an outstanding, competitive, and externally funded research program. Applicants must have a record of excellence in research, as demonstrated by publications in top ranked and field-relevant academic journals, presentations at significant conference, awards and accolades for work in the field, an innovative research statement and strong endorsements by referees of high international standing.

The successful candidate will also have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level. A commitment to excellence in teaching will be demonstrated through the statement of teaching philosophy, teaching accomplishments, and evidence of superior performance in teaching-related activities documented in the submitted teaching materials. Documented teaching excellence may include performance as a teaching assistant or course instructor, experience leading successful workshops or seminars, student mentorship, or conference posters or presentations, as well as strong letters of reference. The successful candidate is also expected to show evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and the promotion of a respectful and collegial learning and working environment, demonstrated through the application materials.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Contact information

Joanne Terakita
Dept. Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough
1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON, M1C1A4
email –

Application deadline: December 2, 2019

Dr. Freda Miller wins the 2019 Till & McCulloch Award

Freda Miller
Freda Miller

Dr. Freda Miller has been named winner of the 2019 Till & McCulloch Award for a new research discovery in tissue repair and regeneration that holds potential for future therapies. The Award is presented annually to one researcher in Canada who has made an exceptional contribution to global stem cell research in that year. Dr. Miller will present the Award lecture on November 5 at the Till & McCulloch Meetings (TMM) taking place in Montréal, Québec, based on her Cell Stem Cell paper entitled, “Mesenchymal Precursor Cells in Adult Nerves Contribute to Mammalian Tissue Repair and Regeneration.”

Read more on Till & McCulloch meeting page

Science should be an election issue – read our Op-Ed in Le Devoir

Read an Op-Ed signed by the Presidents of CAN, Katalin Toth, and of the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences, Tarik Moroy, this morning in Le Devoir.  Scientific research is important for all Canadians – it is how Canada can face the issues and challenges we face today. Political leaders should commit to supporting science today.
Read our op-ed here (in French):