Economic barriers to trainee achievement, retention and funding opportunities

May 23, 2025, 5:45 to 6:45PM

Session organized by the CAN Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee

This session is supported by the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO –

The event will begin with a 15-20 min presentation by a representative from Support Our Science, a grassroots organization that played a monumental role in last year’s achievement of increased trainee funding for federal fellowships. This will be followed by an introduction of the panelists (a mix of senior and junior faculty as well as a graduate student and postdoctoral fellow). We will then move onto a question/answer period. 


1. Welcome

2. Presentation by Shalini Iyer, graduate student, representative of Support our Science

3. Introduction of panelists

  • Dr. Sam Weiss, Professor at UCalgary, Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction
  • Dr. Sarah MacFarlane, Professor at UCalgary,Director of the REALISE Career Development Program
  • Dr. Maithe Arruda-Carvalho, Associate Professor at UofT, mid-career researcher 
  • Dr. Annemarie Dedek, Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo, early-career researcher
  • Dr. Haley Vecchiarelli, Postdoctoral fellow (Trembley lab, UVic)
  • CGSD-holding PhD student, Adiia Stone (Murray lab, UGuelph)

4. Q&A and open discussion

The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Paul Sheppard (postdoctoral fellow, UWestern) and Olivia Reshmi Ghosh-Swaby (PhD student, UWestern).