2025 Travel and Professional Development Awards winners

We are proud to announce the winners of the 2025 awardees!

We are grateful to IBRO and BrightFocus for their continued support for the participation of trainees from underrepresented groups.

We are proud to announce that CAN has doubled the amount of support we provide this year, compared to previous years.

BrightFocus Diversity Award winners

First nameLast nameSupervisorAffiliation
CharlotteLaRochelle-ComptonElena CholerisUniversity of Guelph
NataliaVan EschNichole ScheererWilfrid Laurier University
LuisaBandeira BinderCaroline MenardUniversité Laval – CERVO Research Center
MargauxRivièreAyman ElAliUniversité Laval
AnnaConceicaoFernanda De FeliceFederal University of Rio de Janeiro
CatherineHumeMatthew HillUniversity of Calgary
MaiIbrahimMasahiro NishioGraduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, Japan
OliviaO’NeillDerya SarginUniversity of Calgary
Maria HeleneTombergMiriam A. HickeyUniversity of Tartu
AlinaTrofimovaJustin BotterillUniversity of Saskatchewan

IBRO Travel Awards

First nameLast nameSupervisorAffiliation
AmeliaDoerksenShaun SandersUniversity of Guelph
DanielleHalaszGiannina DescalziUniversity of Guelph
SunnyQureshiPaula Duarte GutermanBrock University
MirayYoussefSteven LavioletteWestern university, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
Cong LocDangAnne McKinneyMcGill University
OssamaGhenissaCiaran Murphy-RoyalUniversité de Montréal, Centre de Recherche du CHUM (CRCHUM)
AndréMoreira PessoniBenoit LabontéUniversité Laval
JiayueYangJustine CléryMcGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute
IsmailBabaleSilvia PagliardiniUniversity of Alberta, Department of Physiology
AurélienCaronBenjamin W. LindseyUniversity of Manitoba
SantinaDuarteEric ChalmersMount Royal University
AmiraFadlJackson ConeUniversity of Calgary
ShaliniIyerMark CembrowskiUniversity of British Columbia
MehrMalhotraJiami GuoUniversity of Calgary, Hotchkiss Brain Institute
SerenaMaltaAna Paula Mendes-SilvaUniversity of Saskatchewan
FolashadeOgunrinadeOlumayokun OlajideUniversity of Huddersfield,UK.
AxitaShienhClayton DicksonUniversity of Alberta
Ho InShinLei XingUniversity of Manitoba
SnehaSinghUjendra KumarUniversity of British Columbia
HaleyVecchiarelliMarie-Ève TremblayUniversity of Victoria

CAN Professional development awards

First nameLast nameSupervisorAffiliation
ShahnazaHamidullahTimothy BusseyUniversity of Western Ontario
KateHarrisMatthew HolahanCarleton University
CadenceOpokaLisa SaksidaWestern University, Robarts Research Institute
JulieOuelletteBaptiste LacosteOttawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Ottawa
RaquelRodriguez AllerArmen SaghatelyanUniversity of Ottawa
AnitaSikicJennifer MurrayUniversity of Guelph
LaurenStepienAyda Tekok-KilicBrock University, Centre for Neuroscience and Child and Youth Studies Department
Anne-CatherineChouinardMarina MartinezUniversité de Montréal
DanielLamontagne-KamJonathan BrouilletteUniversité de Montréal, Faculté de médecine
MaélineMullerPaul DutchakUniversité Laval, CERVO Brain research center
MelissaPestemalciyanTimothy KennedyMcGill University, Montreal Neurological Institute
ValériePineau NoëlCaroline Menard and Daniel C. CôtéLaval University, CERVO brain research center
MartaTurriKarl FernandesUniversity of Sherbrooke
MehwishAnwerCheryl WellingtonUniversity of British Columbia
JatinChoudharyAnnie CierniaUniversity of British Columbia, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health
AidenGlassJohn HowlandUniversity of Saskatchewan
MeghanGreenlandMatthew ParsonsMemorial University of Newfoundland
MackenzieHartleyTamara B. FranklinDalhousie University
MeaganHinksAshlyn Swift-GallantMemorial University of Newfoundland
Seyed MojtabaHosseiniSoheila Karimi-AbdolrezaeeUniversity of Manitoba
StanleyIbehBarbara KartenDalhousie University
YanaKibalnykAnastassia VoronovaUniversity of Alberta
LindaLeRichard DyckUniversity of Calgary
NicolasLeclercRobert BeattieUniversity of Manitoba, Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics
GelarehModaraManu Madhav and Jason SnyderUniversity of British Columbia, Brain Research Centre
GovindPeringodGrant R GordonHotchkiss Brain Institute, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Aly MuhammadSalimAlex LohmanUniversity of Calgary
Wing Lam JessieYuGerald ZamponiThe Hotchkiss Brain Institue, University of Calgary