2025 Preliminary Program

May 21-25, 2025, Toronto Sheraton Centre Hotel

Tuesday, May 20, 2025

6:30PM – 8:45PMCAN 2025 Public Lectures:
Neuroscience of memory and tools for making our memories stronger
Sheena Josselyn, Hospital for Sick Children
Morgan Barense, Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Hospital
Hosted by Iva Zovkic, University of Toronto Mississauga

Day 1: Wednesday, May 21, 2025

9:00 AM – 4:00 PMCAN Satellite symposia
5:00 – 5:15 PMWelcome and Opening Remarks
Melanie Woodin, President of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience
5:15 – 6:15Presidential Lecture:
Gina Turrigiano, Brandeis University
6:15 – 8:00Opening Reception

Day 2: Thursday, May 22

8:30 – 10:15 AMPlenary symposium 1: Fear, Threat and Aversive Learning
Chair – Mihaela Iordanova (ConcordiaU)

Maithe Arruda-Carvalho (UToronto Scarborough)
Josh Johansen (RIKEN Institute, Japan)
Susan Sangha (Indiana University, USA)
10:15 – 10:25Partner update
10:25 – 10:45Coffee break Posters/exhibits
10:45 – 11:00Brain Star Award winner talk
11:00 – 12:00Featured Plenary speaker 1:
Kerry Ressler (McLean Hospital Harvard University USA)
12:00 – 1:30Advocacy lunch
1:30 – 3:00Symposium 1: Gut Microbiome-Brain Interaction on Host Health
Symposium Chair: Frank Duca | University of Arizona
Lesley MacNeil | McMaster University
Role of the gut microbiome in neural aging
Frank Duca |University of Arizona
Bacterially-derived metabolites impact hypothalamic regulation of metabolic homeostasis via Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor
Tony Lam | Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
Small intestinal microbiota impacts nutrient-induced gut-brain signaling pathways that regulate glucose homeostasis.
Premysl Bercik | McMaster University
The Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Symposium 2: New Insights of Noradrenaline in Neural Diseases: From Neurodevelopment to Neurodegeneration.
Symposium co-chair: Xuming Yin | University of Ottawa & Qi Yuan | Memorial University of Newfoundland
Xuming Yin | University of Ottawa
Abnormal Spatiotemporal dynamics of noradrenaline release during motor learning in 16p11.2 deletion mice of autism
Oxana Eschenko | Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Noradrenergic transmission promotes flexibility of spatial behavior and sleep-dependent memory consolidation
Bruno Giros | McGill University
Noradrenergic control of the resilient shift following chronic stress
Qi Yuan | Memorial University of Newfoundland
Locus coeruleus neuronal vulnerability in a pretangle tau rat model

Symposium 3: A genomics approach towards understanding sex differences in cognition, mental health, and neurodevelopment.
Symposium chair: Giannina Descalzi | University of Guelph
Iva Zovkic | University of Toronto Mississauga
Sex specific effects of histone H2A.Z on normal and pathological memory
Marija Kundakovic | Fordham University
Single-cell insights into gene regulation in the mouse brain across the estrous cycle and sex
Silvia De Rubeis | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Sex differences in the developmental functions of the autism risk gene DDX3X
Deena Walker | Oregon Health & Science University
Sex-specific Transcriptional Mechanisms of Substance Use Disorder
Symposium 4: Mechanisms of Stress Regulation in Complex Behaviors
Symposium chair: Mijail Rojas-Carvajal | University of Calgary
Nuria Daviu | University of Guelph
Survival optimization: Role of PVN-CRH neurons in innate escape execution
Mijail Rojas-Carvajal | University of Calgary
Exercise erases the behavioral and synaptic consequences of stress
Thomas Kash | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Probing the role of lateral septum peptide signaling in aversion and reward
Jamie Maguire | Tufts University
Biased information routing through the BLA mediates behavioral deficits following chronic stress
3:15 – 3:45PMTrainee Power Pitch Session
3:45 – 5:15PMCoffee break Poster session 1 / exhibits
5:15 – 5:45New investigator award lecture
5:45 – 6:45Brain Prize lecture
Larry Abbott, Columbia University
7:30 – 9:30CAN Student Social

Day 3: Friday, May 23

8:30 – 10:15 AMPlenary symposium 2: Visualizing the Brain

Chair – Jibran Khokhar (WesternU)
Istvan Katona (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)
Isabelle Boileau | CAMH, University of Toronto
Michele Desjardins | Université Lavala
10:15 – 10:25Partner update
10:25 – 10:45Coffee break Posters/exhibits
10:45 – 11:00Brain Star Award winner
11:00 – 12:00Featured Plenary speaker 2  
Yulong Li  | Peking University, China
12:00 – 1:00CIHR Canadian National Brain Bee Showdown
1:15 – 2:45Symposium 5: Diversity and Flexibility in Motor Cortical Control
Symposium chair: Jonathan Michaels | York University
Jonathan A. Michaels | York University
Sensory expectations shape neural population dynamics during reaching
Shreya Saxena | Yale University
Constrained Models of Neural Dynamics induce Generalizability and Interpretability
Matthew G. Perich | Université de Montréal
Motor cortical dynamics evoked by closed-loop modulation of spinal sensory pathways
Emily Oby | Queen’s University
Dynamical constraints on neural population activity
Symposium 6: Opioid Drugs and the Brain: Research Insights to Understand the Opioid epidemic
Symposium chair: Gaspard Montandon | University of Toronto
Bernard Le Foll | CAMH
Regulation of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) in the brain of subjects using opioid drugs
Tuan Trang | University of Calgary
A brain to spinal cord neurocircuit in opioid withdrawal
Anna Taylor | University of Alberta
Protracted opioid withdrawal and the gut microbiome
Gaspard Montandon | University of Toronto
Neural mechanisms mediating opioid-induced respiratory depression
Symposium 7: Connectomics across Scales: from Synapses to Systems
Symposium chair: Per Jesper Sjostrom | McGill University
Mei Zhen | Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute; University of Toronto
Form of developmental plasticity: insights and reflection from the C. elegans connectomics study
Paul De Koninck | Université Laval
Brain-wide functional and structural circuit development in larval zebrafish
Jesper Sjöström | McGill University
Principles of mouse visual cortex excitatory microcircuit organization
Kathryn Manning | University of Calgary
The impact of prenatal maternal distress upon the developing human connectome
Symposium 8: Circuit, synaptic and neuromodulatory mechanisms underlying basal ganglia function
Symposium chair: Corey Baimel | Dalhousie University
Talia Lerner | Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Plasticity of striatal dopamine circuits and neuromodulatory mechanisms during motor skill learning
Nicolas Tritsch | Douglas Research Institute, McGill University
Revealing dopamine’s contributions to motor vigor
Meaghan Creed | Washington University School of Medicine
Synaptic mechanisms of reward seeking in the ventral pallidum
Corey Baimel | Dalhousie University
Subregion specific processing of reward cues in the nucleus accumbens
3:00 – 3:30PMTrainee Power Pitch Session
3:30 – 5:00Coffee break in Poster Hall Poster session 2 & Exhibits
5:00– 6:00PMKeynote lecture:
Paul Frankland, University of Toronto
6:00 – 7:00PMEconomic barriers to trainee achievement, retention and funding opportunities
Event organized by the CAN Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee
Moderators: Dr. Paul Sheppard (postdoctoral fellow, UWestern) and Olivia Reshmi Ghosh-Swaby (PhD student, UWestern).
Presentation by Support of Science Representative
Dr. Sam Weiss, Professor at UCalgary, Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction
Dr. Sarah MacFarlane, Professor at UCalgary,Director of the REALISE Career Development Program
Dr. Maithe Arruda-Carvalho, Associate Professsor at UofT, mid-career researcher 
Dr. Annemarie Dedek, Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo, early-career researcher
Dr. Haley Vecchiarelli, Postdoctoral fellow (Trembley lab, UVic)
Adiia Stone, CGSD-holding PhD student, (Murray lab, UGuelph) 

Day 4: Saturday, May 24

8:30 – 10:15 A.M.Plenary symposium 3: External Influences on Neurodevelopment
Chair – Deborah Kurrasch | University of Calgary

Jessica Rosin | University of British Columbia
Catherine Lebel | University of Calgary
Armen Saghatelyan | University of Ottawa
10:15 – 10:25Partner update
10:25 – 10:45Posters/exhibits Coffee break
10:45 – 11:00 PMBrain Star Award winner
11:00 – 12:00Featured Plenary speaker 3 Yasmin Hurd (MSSM, USA)
12:00 – 1:30 PMCAN-ACN Annual General Meeting of members
Career Networking event
Lunch on own
1:30 – 2:00PMTrainee Power Pitch Session
2:00 – 3:30Poster session 3 & Exhibits
3:30 – 5:00Symposium 9: Sleep, stress and sex differences in development and aging:  Translational impact in health and disease
Symposium chair: Haung (Ho) Yu | University of Toronto
Valérie Mongrain | Université de Montréal
The neurodevelopmental disease-related protein Neuroligin-2 is shaping slow waves during slow-wave sleep and the multifractal signature of the electrocorticogram.
Mayuko Arai | Simon Fraser University
The impact of trazodone administration on sleep in the APPNL-F  mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
Ciarán Murphy-Royal | Université de MontréalAstrocyte glucocorticoid receptors mediate sex-specific changes in activity following stress. Interactions with sleep-regulating orexinergic neurons.
W. Haung (Ho) Yu | University of Toronto
Sex differences in proteostasis and pathology in response to chronic stress and sleep impairments in AD pathology.
Symposium 10: Therapeutic applications for focused ultrasound in the treatment and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
Symposium chair: Joanne Nash | University of Toronto
Isabelle Aubert | Sunnybrook Research Institute
MR-guided-focused ultrasound mediated permeabilization of the blood brain barrier to deliver gene therapies: Progress in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
Joanne Nash | University of Toronto
MR-guided-focused ultrasound mediated delivery of AAV9.SIRT3-myc is neuroprotective in a rat model of Parkinson’s Disease.
Samuel Pichardo | University of Calgary, Hotchkiss Institute
Tremor reduction using a multi-focus transcranial ultrasound stimulation method targeting the thalamus: Preliminary results
Oury Monchi | Université de Montréal
Non-invasive forms of neuromodulation in the treatment of cognitive symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Symposium 11: Models of inhaled cannabis exposure: effects on behaviour and brain across the lifespan of rodents
Symposium chair: John Howland | University of Saskatchewan
John Howland | University of Saskatchewan
Long-term effects of gestational cannabis exposure to cannabis smoke on behaviour and cortico-limbic brain circuits in the offspring
Hakan Kayir | University of Guelph
Impact of adolescent exposure to vaporized cannabis on adult rat behaviour and brain connectivity
Ryan McLaughlin | Washington State University
Clouded judgement: long-term cellular and behavioral changes in a rodent model of adolescent cannabis use
Cassie Moore | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Behavioral and neurobiological consequences of chronic vaporized Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) self-administration in rats
Symposium 12: The function of catecholamines in learning and decision-making
Symposium chair: Robert Rozeske | University of Toronto – Scarborough
Robert Rozeske | University of Toronto – Scarborough | Prefrontal dopamine dynamics during context fear learning and discrimination
Laura Corbit | University of Toronto
Locus coeruleus activity increases in response to omission of an expected reward
Michael Baratta | University of Colorado – Boulder
Prefrontal dopamine reveals sex differences in coping with stress
Kate Wassum | University of California – Los Angeles
Dopamine release in the basolateral amygdala facilitates reward learning and prediction