COVID-19 assistance on federal laboratory reagents – Round #2

The Public Health Agency of Canada has sent a second call for items and reagents for the public health laboratories

  • For loan:
    1. Thermofisher Kingfisher Flex Purification Systems (automated nucleic acid purification) with the 96- Deep Well head
    2. Associated plastic consumables (96-well plate blocks) would also be of interest
  1. For use:
    1. Laboratory grade Guanidine thiocyanate

As with ‘Round 1” please forward any items to:

Rita Finley (

Post-Doctoral Position Available – Concussion Research (Drs. Brian Benson and Sean Dukelow) – University of Calgary

A postdoctoral position is available immediately under the supervision of Drs. Brian Benson and Sean Dukelow at the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary. The work is funded by a Mitacs Accelerate Fellowship award in association with Own the Podium. The successful candidate will take advantage of working with high-performance national level athletes at risk of concussion and advanced diagnostic tools including robotic technology (Kinarm) that monitors sensory, motor and cognitive behaviour. The environment involves working with a number of clinicians and scientists with a significant interest in sport-related concussion.

Qualified Canadian applicants should have a PhD degree in Neuroscience or related disciplines with significant expertise in human neuroscience and knowledge of coding in Matlab. Excellent written and oral communication are required. A strong academic track record as measured by publications and is an asset.

About the University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is Canada’s leading next-generation university – a living, growing and youthful institution that embraces change and opportunity with a can-do attitude. Located in the nation’s most enterprising city, the university is making tremendous progress on its Eyes High journey to be recognized as one of Canada’s top five research universities, grounded in innovative learning and teaching and fully integrated with the community it both serves and leads. The University of Calgary inspires and supports discovery, creativity and innovation across all disciplines.

For more information, visit The University of Calgary recognizes that a diverse staff/faculty benefits and enriches the work, learning and research experiences of the entire campus and greater community. We are committed to removing barriers that have been historically encountered by some people in our society. We strive to recruit individuals who will further enhance our diversity and will support their professional success while they are here.

Contact information:

Please send a statement of interest, Curriculum Vitae and the names of at least two references to:

Dr. Sean Dukelow
Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary

Public Health Agency of Canada – call for reagents for COVID19 testing

We have been made aware by some of our members that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has sent out an urgent request for reagents, specifically RNA extraction reagents for COVID19 testing.  If you have such reagents in your laboratory that you could donate (view list below) please consider doing so. If the laboratories have materials that we could use and are not included in the list, feel free to let us know and we will share with the National Microbiology Laboratory and asses their current requirements.
The contact person at the PHAC is Rita Finley (  As this is a time-sensitive request please let her know directly what you have available. Continue reading

A study by Martin Lévesque and his team explains the role of dopaminergic neurons in hyperactivity and suggests a mechanism of action for Ritalin

Martin LévesqueRead a new article by Université Laval news on a discovery by Martin Lévesque’s team

Cellular cogs of hyperactivity uncovered – Study clarifies the role of dopaminergic neurons in hyperactivity and suggests a mechanism of action for Ritalin

The cellular mechanism uncovered by the researchers could explain the mode of action of Ritalin in humans. The drug is believed to block the reuptake of dopamine by neurons, thereby prolonging the effects of this neurotransmitter.

Although about one in 10 people will suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in their lifetime, the cellular causes of this health problem are still very poorly understood. A study published in Cell Reports by a team from Laval University’s CERVO Research Centre now sheds some light on the subject. The researchers were able to determine which type of neurons are involved in the development of hyperactivity in mice and the cellular mechanisms involved. This breakthrough suggests a plausible mode of action for Ritalin, a drug widely prescribed for ADHD, but whose mechanism of action is unknown. Continue reading

McGill researchers end decade-long search for mechanical pain sensor

Reza Sharif-Naeini, image from
Reza Sharif-Naeini

Discovery brings hope for novel pain treatment

Researchers at McGill University have discovered that a protein found in the membrane of our sensory neurons are involved in our capacity to feel mechanical pain, laying the foundation for the development of powerful new analgesic drugs.

The study, published in Cell, is the first to show that TACAN, a highly conserved protein among vertebrates whose function remained unclear, is in fact involved in detecting mechanical pain by converting mechanical pressures into electric signals. Continue reading

Pain hypersensitivity: problem at the pump

Yves De Koninck
Yves De Koninck

Pain hypersensitivity and many other diseases could be associated with a protein that acts as an ion pump in neurons.

The research team led by  Yves De Koninck, at Université Laval’s Faculté de médecine and the CERVO Brain Research Centre had already targeted a protein called KCC2 as a key player in the mechanism leading to pain hypersensitivity.  A new study published in Nature Communications confirms confirms this lead and reinforces the idea that this protein could be a target of choice for the creation of a new class of analgesics to treat this problem that medicine is often powerless to address. Continue reading

Previous advocacy award winners

Learn about our 2020 winners:

September 15, 2020: CAN-ACN has revoked the 2020 Advocacy award that had been awarded to Roger Hudson and First Person Science, following an incident during which CAN-ACN’s values were not adhered to. A statement regarding this incident by former members of the group can be found here.

Learn about past winners:





CAN participation in SfN’s Hill Day

CAN participation in SfN’s Hill Day

Charles Bourque, CAN VP, with Michael Heintz, Director of Advocacy & Training at SfN and fellow neuroadvocates on Capitol Hill
Charles Bourque, CAN VP, with Michael Heintz, Director of Advocacy & Training at SfN and fellow neuroadvocates on Capitol Hill

CAN was invited by SfN to participate once again in SfN’s Hill Day, on Capitol Hill in Washington DC on March 5, 2020.  CAN Vice-President Charles Bourque and CAN Past-President and current member of SfN’s GPA committee Jaideep Bains were present for this important event. Each was paired with a group of neuroadvocates from different states and to meet with elected officials and their staff to advocate for more funding for NIH and NSF. It was an opportunity to network with fellow neuroadvocates, to learn from our colleagues at SfN effective advocacy strategy.

“Support for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on Capitol Hill is bipartisan and strong.  Republican and Democrats equally recognize the importance of investing in health research – this is truly inspiring. We have work to do in Canada to increase the support for our NIH equivalent, CIHR, but the example of the our US colleagues shows us how to do this, and the importance of being mobilized towards this goal.”

-Charles Bourque


Jaideep Bains on Capitol Hill
Jaideep Bains on Capitol Hill – photo  credit: SfN

“Visiting US senators and representatives during Capitol Hill Day was a great experience. It confirmed that face-to-face contact and open discussion can have a real impact on the support elected officials have for science, and help build lasting relationships between scientists and politicians.”

-Jaideep Bains

We wish to thank Charles Bourque and Jaideep Bains for representing CAN at Hill Day.

The support CAN receives from SfN, both in terms of in-kind training and exchange, and funds for advocacy in Canada that we receive through our Memorandum of Understanding with SfN are of critical importance to allow us to pursue our advocacy goals in Canada.