Meta collaboration

Exciting news for registered 2019 Canadian Neuroscience Meeting participants – the Canadian Association for Neuroscience is partnering with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Meta to create custom feeds tailored specifically to fit our meeting tracks.  Feeds are sets of research papers covering combinations of concepts, researchers, genes, proteins, procedures, and more. Meta uses artificial intelligence to compile these feeds, which include full coverage of PubMed and bioRxiv.
As a Canadian Neuroscience Meeting attendee, you are invited to set up a free feed to get oriented on the critical topics that will be at the heart of the CAN meeting.  To get started, visit . From there, you can choose the conference topics that interest you most and get started with Meta.  Use Meta before the meeting to catch up on the papers that will be at the heart of the plenaries, poster sessions, and other presentations.  Then use Meta after the meeting to stay up-to-date on these and other topics critical to your research.  Again, it is 100% free to use.
If you have questions or require assistance with this, please reach out to Meta’s helpdesk at
Members of the Meta team will be present at the CAN meeting, Thursday, May 23, from 10:15 to 10:45 and then again from 3:30 to 5:30.