The 2019 Canadian Neuroscience Meeting took place May 22 – 25 2019 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel. We want to thank all who participated in this important event.
The CAN meeting program is composed of morning feature plenary lectures followed by plenary symposia that showcase cutting edge neuroscience research.In the afternoon, parallel symposia, proposed by our membership, are featured. They cover a wide range of neuroscience topics with three or four talks on related but distinct topics that allow the listener to gain a better understanding of the issues and discoveries that are most topical in the field.
A very important highlight of the CAN meeting is the student participation. Every year, the very lively poster sessions allow senior researchers and trainees to learn from each other through important presentation and discussion of their latest research.
The call for proposal for both parallel symposia and for poster abstracts went out in the Fall of 2018.
The CAN meeting is an excellent networking opportunity for all neuroscience researcher in Canada, and includes a wide range of social event, such as the welcome reception and the student social, and of specific information sessions on funding, science advocacy and policy that allow attendees to share the issues that matter to them, and to build the relationships that allows the Canadian neuroscience community to remain strong.
We invite you to browse this page and to visit our website often for the latest information on the Canadian neuroscience meeting.
Thank you for making this meeting so great!
Meeting leadership
Chair of Scientific Program Committee: Paul Frankland, SickKids Hospital
Co-Chair of Scientific Program Committee: Ruth Slack, University of Ottawa
Chair of the Local organizing committee: Julie Lefebvre, University of Toronto