Travel Awards for the CAN meeting

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN) provides travel awards for students and post-doctoral fellows to cover part of the costs associated with meeting attendance. All trainee meeting attendees can apply for travel awards.

BrightFocus Travel Awards 

BrightFocus funds ground-breaking research in an urgent effort to discover cures for Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration and glaucoma, and provides expert information about these diseases. CAN is pleased to announce a new partnership with BrightFocus to support trainee participation in the CAN meeting for travel fellowships, including diversity fellowships.

BrightFocus and CAN are committed to supporting scientists from diverse backgrounds to foster creativity and innovation in addressing complex scientific challenges. We strongly encourage applications from individuals in any neurodegenerative disease field who are from groups underrepresented within your country of origin or at the location where your studies take place. For example, diversity can mean people of different sex/genders, races/ethnicities, cultures, religions, physical abilities, sexual orientations or preferences (2SLGBTQIA+), ages, first generation in your family to obtain a higher education degree, people from a low socio-economic background, members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and people attending smaller universities (non U15 universities in Canada).

Bright Focus Travel Awards will be attributed in two categories: BrightFocus Diversity Awards (for trainees from under-represented groups) and BrightFocus Travel Awards (open to all), and awards will be attributed based on eligibility.

IBRO Travel awards for members of underrepresented groups

IBRO logoThe International Brain Research Organization (IBRO is the global association of neuroscience societies established in 1961 that aims to promote and support neuroscience around the world through training, education, research, outreach and engagement activities, and the publication of two journals, Neuroscience and IBRO Neuroscience Reports.

The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) provides travel awards for the CAN meeting to promote the participation of students and post-doctoral fellows that are members of the following underrepresented groups: Aboriginal peoples (including Status Indians, Non-status Indians, Métis, and Inuit); visible minorities; LGBTQ community; persons with disabilities; and trainees from smaller universities and colleges (non-U15 universities).

There is a single application form for travel awards.

Submission deadline is Feruary 7, 2024.


CAN meeting travel award application


Gender / Genre
Career stage / Niveau de carrière

Supervisor / Superviseur

Please enter your supervisor's institutional address. An email will be sent to this address asking for confirmation of your status.
University, Research Centre

Meeting Participation question / Question de participation au congrès

Priority will be given to participants who are first or presenting author on poster presentations. La priorité sera donnée aux participants qui sont les premiers auteurs ou les auteurs principaux des présentations de posters.
I have submitted an abstract for presentation at the CAN meeting / J'ai soumis un résumé pour présentation au congrès *
I am first author/presenter of the poster / Je suis premier(e) auteur(e) du résumé *
I understand that I must pay meeting registration fees / Je comprends que je dois payer mon inscription au congrès *

IBRO travel award eligibility questions / Questions d'éligibilité pour les bourses IBRO

I am a member of the following groups / Je fais partie des groupes suivants
I agree to be listed as an IBRO awardee on the CAN and IBRO websites if I am awarded an IBRO travel award / J'accepte de figurer sur les sites web du CAN et de l'IBRO en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage de l'IBRO si celle-ci m'est attribuée.
I agree to be contacted by IBRO if I am awarded an IBRO travel award / J'accepte d'être contacté par IBRO en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage de l'IBRO si celle-ci m'est attribuée.

BrightFocus Diversity Award Eligibility Questions / Questions d'éligibilité aux bourses de diversité BrightFocus

I am a member of the following groups / Je suis membre d'un des groupes suivants
I agree to be listed as a BrightFocus awardee on the BrightFocus and CAN websites if I am awarded a BrightFocus travel award / J'accepte de figurer sur les sites web de BrightFocus et du CAN en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage BrightFocus.
Awardee name, affiliation and supervisor names only will be listed on the websites.
I agree to be listed as a BrightFocus awardee on the BrightFocus and CAN websites if I am awarded a BrightFocus travel award / J'accepte de figurer sur les sites web de BrightFocus et du CAN en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage BrightFocus.
BrightFocus Diversity Awards and BrightFocus Travel Awards – priority given to trainees working in the following fields (please choose all that apply) / BrightFocus Diversity Awards et BrightFocus Travel Awards - priorité donnée aux stagiaires travaillant dans les domaines suivants (veuillez choisir tous ceux qui s'appliquent)