Dr Anne-Noel Samaha’s laboratory at the Université de Montréal has an open position for a post-doctoral fellow. The research work involves characterizing the role of the amygdala in the behavioural response to reward cues in rats.
As an example, see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31953370/
Dr Samaha will hire someone whose primary research interest is in the behavioural neuroscience of reward. Research experience in this or a relevant field is required.
Training in techniques such as Pavlovian/Instrumental conditioning, in vivo optogenetics, chemogenetics, electrophysiology, and in molecular biology assays is desirable. Speaking French is not mandatory.
The salary is fully funded, though applicants will be expected to also apply for nominal funding. Our lab is dynamic and very collaborative. We are part of several research groups and networks, with many opportunities for collaborations.
See also https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=samaha+AN+montreal&sort=date
To apply, send a letter of intent, a CV with publications listed, a paragraph summarizing current research, and the contact details of 2-3 academic referees to Dr Samaha: anna.samaha@umontreal.ca
Contact information
Dr Samaha: anna.samaha@umontreal.ca