Post-doctoral Position Available in the Translational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (Dr. Tim Bussey & Dr. Lisa Saksida) studying molecular and cellular mechanisms of information storage and neurogenesis in the hippocampus using cutting-edge neurotechnology (e.g., miniscopes, fiber photometry and touchscreen technology).

A postdoctoral position is available immediately under the supervision of Dr. Lisa Saksida and Dr. Tim Bussey at the Robarts Research Institute, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, The University of Western Ontario (, in collaboration with the Dr. Mark Brandon and colleagues at McGill University (, to work on questions relating to molecular and cellular mechanisms of information storage and neurogenesis in the hippocampus. The work will involve recording and analyzing neuronal activity using miniscopes and fibre photometry, in combination with advanced cognitive testing using touchscreens (

Qualified applicants should have a PhD degree in Neuroscience or related disciplines with significant expertise in studying mouse models and advanced mathematical and analytical skills. Prior experience in miniscope data analysis, mouse surgery, fibre photometry, in vivo electrophysiology, or data analysis using MatLab, Python and R, documented in peer-reviewed publications will be an asset. Salary will be paid commensurate with experience.

Robarts is one of the premier research institutes in Canada with a vibrant research community and many opportunities for collaborations. The University of Western Ontario ( is a major educational and research centre in Ontario with over 25,000 undergraduate and 5,000 graduate students. Cognitive neuroscience in health and disease is a major research focus at Western, currently funded by a $66M Canada First Research Excellence Fund program called BrainsCAN. London, also known as the Forest City, is an affordable and lively community close to the Great Lakes and two hours from Toronto. The city offers many options for outdoor and cultural activities.

Western is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, members of racialized groups/visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity or gender expression.

Please send a statement of interest, Curriculum Vitae, and the names of at least two references to:

Dr. Lisa Saksida, Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario Email:

Posting end date: 2020/12/31