The Botterill laboratory is accepting applications for graduate students (Master’s or PhD) in Neuroscience. Our laboratory is in the Department of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology at the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, Canada).
About us: The Botterill Laboratory opened in January 2023 and is currently supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant program, an Establishment Grant from the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF), and a New Investigator Award from Epilepsy Canada. Our laboratory currently employs 2 graduate students, 3 undergraduate students, and 1 high school student.
Areas of Research: Our lab is focused on two primary areas of research. Our basic science research program is focused on studying the cells and circuits involved in learning, memory, and affective behaviors in mice. Projects related to this research area are currently investigating engram cells and hippocampal mossy cells across a range of behavioral tests (e.g., fear conditioning, open field, object memory, etc). Our second research area is focused on studying the neurobiological mechanisms underlying temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy projects explore neural circuits that contribute to, exacerbate, and/or prevent seizure activity using mouse models, 24/7 video EEG, and gain- and loss-of function manipulations. Active collaborations also include studying novel cannabinoid-related compounds and their therapeutic potential for seizures.
Laboratory Techniques: Our laboratory utilizes a variety of behavioral and systems neuroscience approaches to address research questions from multiple perspectives. Our current techniques include:
- Rodent behavioral testing (fear conditioning, open field, elevated plus maze, novel object tests, etc)
- Optogenetics, DREADDs, fiber photometry, brain infusions, inducible transgenic mice (e.g., TRAP2)
- Mouse stereotaxic surgery (AAVs, fiber implants, depth electrodes, EEG assemblies, cannulae)
- Mouse models of epilepsy with 24/7 video EEG recordings (pilocarpine or kainic acid)
- Slice electrophysiology (whole cell patch clamp recordings, local field potentials)
- Biochemistry (immunofluorescence staining of brain tissue, ELISAs) and PCR
- Anatomy (e.g., viral tracing) and immunofluorescence microscopy
Location: The University of Saskatchewan is located in the heart of Saskatoon and is recognized as one of the most beautiful campuses in Canada. Saskatoon and the surrounding area is home to approximately 300,000 people.
Requirements: We welcome applications from highly motivated applicants with a passion for neuroscience.
- Applicants should have a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in neuroscience or related field. Undergraduate students with laboratory experience in the final year of their program are encouraged to apply.
- Applicants should have a competitive academic record with excellent written and oral skills.
- Experience with rodent handling and behavioral testing is preferred.
- Ideal candidates will have experience in mouse stereotaxic surgery (AAVs), optogenetics/fiber photometry, animal models of epilepsy, and/or electrophysiological recordings (in vivo or in vitro).
Salary: Salary is commensurate with experience; however, we acknowledge the need to provide graduate students with a livable salary that exceeds the minimum standards.
Apply: All qualified applicants will be considered. We strongly encourage applications from individuals traditionally underrepresented in the sciences. Please contact (J.BOTTERILL@USASK.CA) with the following information:
- A brief statement of research interests & goals
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae with at least 2 references
- A copy of your unofficial transcripts

Additional information:
Departmental Website (for tuition and other info):
Laboratory Website: