Two year funded Postdoctoral position, University of Victoria – Kerry Delaney lab

Electrophysiology of mutant versus wildtype neurons in a mouse model of Rett Syndrome.

Researcher with experience in whole cell patch clamp recording from neurons in acute brain slices is required to undertake recording from neurons in neocortex and thalamus of mice lacking functional MeCP2. Mecp2 is an X-linked transcription factor controlling various aspects of neuronal and synapse maturation. Studies will be performed primarily on female heterozygous mice utilizing a GFP-based nuclear marker to differentiate neurons expressing wild-type Mecp2 from those expressing a non-functional (mutated) allele. Optogenetic stimulation of virally-expressed channel rhodopsin will be used to investigate the relative strength of thalamo-cortical connections and cortico-thalamic feedback pathways to wild-type versus mutant neurons. Funded by the International Rett Syndrome Foundation.

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Contact information

Dr. Kerry Delaney.
Professor, Biology Department, University of Victoria
Phone: 250-472-5657
The Delaney lab:

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Posting end date: 2020-08-31