12th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting

The meeting will gather neuroscientists from Canada and around the world to share their research on the brain and nervous system. All areas of neuroscience research will be presented

“Our meeting is a great opportunity to see the breadth of neuroscience research that is done in Canada, and the advances we are making towards understanding the brain. These discoveries are the foundations upon which we will build to find therapies and treatments for the many illnesses that affect the brain”, states Lynn Raymond, President of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience.

Two public lectures, on the timely topic of addiction, will be presented by two leading experts in the field: Catharine Winstanley and Luke Clark, both at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Catharine Winstanley’s research has provided insight into the nature of addiction by developing a rat casino, which allows her to identify factors associated with gambling addiction in a controlled manner. Dr. Luke Clark will then present the latest research on gambling addiction in humans, and how the modern slot-machine is a form of gambling which is more harmful than others. Both lectures will be presented to the public at Science World in Vancouver.

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience is dedicated to promoting inclusivity, equity and diversity in neuroscience, and to this end, the meeting will feature an interactive luncheon workshop on this topic. Dr. Judy Illes will be leading the Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity in Neuroscience workshop (EDI-Neuro), which will serve to define the actions that our association can take to address these issues in coming years.

Award presentations

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience is proud to announce it will be awarding the 2018 CAN Young Investigator Award to Karun Singh, from McMaster University. Dr. Singh is a leader in stem cell research, human genetics and brain development.

Dr. Karun Singh’s research has made significant impact on our knowledge of signaling mechanisms that regulate brain development, and of the genetic risk factors underlying neurodevelopmental disorders. His work combines powerful human genetic studies and animal models. Using this approach, he has uncovered new disease mechanisms for autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia, which are paving the way forward to identify new therapeutics.


The CAN Outreach and Advocacy award celebrates the efforts of groups working to increase awareness of neuroscience research and to ensure that a connection between the lab and the public is maintained. This year’s winners are an impressive group of graduate students from the University of British Columbia who have developed an original and interactive way of presenting neuroscience research to the public: an online collection of cartoons titled “Neuroscience through the ages”, which are collected on this website:



View the prize announcement here:


The full program of the meeting is available online at:


Posted on eurekalert May 8th 2018
