13th annual Canadian neuroscience meeting

Published on Eurekalert, April 15, 2019


The Scientific Program Committee, chaired by Paul Frankland and co-chair Ruth Slack, along with local chair Julie Lefebvre, have put together an exciting roster of scientific presentations, community building events and opportunities for networking and career development.

Scientific highlights of the 2019 meeting include plenary lectures by Michelle Monje, Jeffrey Mogil, Florian Engert, Robert Malenka and Guo-Li Ming. As usual, plenary symposia featuring prominent Canadian and international speakers, and the always diverse parallel symposia proposed by our members complete the CAN scientific program.

We warmly congratulate this year’s Young Investigator laureate, Dr. Blake Richards, from the University of Toronto at Scarsborough. Dr. Richards’ research explores the neural basis of deep learning. The goal of this work is to better understand the neurobiological basis of animal and human intelligence and provide new insights to help guide AI development. His laboratory has made several important contributions to mathematical models of learning and memory in the brain. Don’t miss the CAN Young Investigator award lecture to learn more about these exciting discoveries, on May 24th, 2019 at 5:30PM. https://can-acn.org/blake-richards-is-the-2019-can-young-investigator-awardee


Dr. Richards will also host the CAN public lecture, on May 21 at 6:30PM which this year features a Canadian expert in Artificial Intelligence, Dr. Geoffrey Hinton, from the University of Toronto. This event will explore the use of artificial intelligence to understand how the brain computes. (https://can-acn.org/2019-public-lecture-geoffrey-hinton)

For news media only:

Press passes are available for accredited journalist to attend the Canadian Neuroscience Meeting. Please inquire on location at the registration desk.

Full program:


Public lecture, May 21 sith Geoffrey Hinton:
