National study on vulnerability in mental health and psychiatric research

Invitation to participate in a research study on vulnerability in mental health research ethics

National study on vulnerability in mental health and psychiatric research

Does a mental health condition prevent someone from being able to participate to research?

What are acceptable conditions for ethical mental health and psychiatric research?

Your answers are needed!

Please find below a special invitation to participate in a Canadian study on vulnerability in mental health and psychiatric research

A group of Canadian researchers is launching a unique study to consult Canadians broadly, including Canadian researchers and patients, on the issue of vulnerability in mental and psychiatric research.

This research study, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), offers you the opportunity to share your perspectives about the wellbeing and potential vulnerability of individuals with mental health or psychiatric conditions. With you input, we can envision informing our policies to reflect the experience and perspectives of a broad array of stakeholders and ensure that research policies and practices respond to the needs of individuals with mental health or psychiatric conditions.

To participate in this study please go online to the following link:

Your perspective is invaluable to better understanding the issue of vulnerability within Canadian research. To thank you for taking part in this survey, you will be given the opportunity to enter into a drawing for one of five Amazon Canada gift cards.

This study is conducted by an interdisciplinary team with expertise in bioethics, psychiatry and anthropology (Racine, Bell, Macdonald, Turecki).  For more information contact Jelena Poleksic, Research Coordinator,, (514) 987-5500 ext. 3366.