Satellite symposium 5: Neural stem cells during development and disease

Date: May 31, 2020
Location: Hotel Bonaventure Montreal
Organizers: Armen Saghatelyan, David Kaplan, Freda Miller

Brief description of event

Building on the success of two previous satellite meetings on Neural Stem Cells (NSCs), the objective of the 3rd satellite meeting is to strengthen further the Canadian stem cell community by connecting researchers, exchanging the ideas and establishing new collaborative projects. The speakers representing multiple institutions across Canada and all career stages will discuss recent advances in the field of stem cell biology. The satellite will cover topics spanning from the molecular mechanisms underlying NSCs maintenance and lineage specification (session 1) to the function of new neurons in animal behavior (session 2). The role of NSCs in different pathological conditions will be also addressed (session 2).

Event Agenda

May 31

  • 8h30: arrival and registration
  • 9h00 opening remarks

 Session 1: Neural stem cells in development and adulthood

  • 9h10 Derek van der Kooy (U. Toronto)
    Primitive neural stem cells are the first neural cells in the developing brain
  • 9h40 Carol Schuurmans (SunnyBrook Research Institut)
    Understanding the molecular mechanisms controlling cortical progenitor cell fate decisions
  • 10h20 short-talk from trainee


10h35 coffee break

  • 10h50 Pierre Mattar (U. Ottawa)
    Regulation of neural progenitor potential by chromatin remodelling complexes
  • 11h20 Mireille Khacho (U. Ottawa)
    Mitochondrial shape and metabolism in the regulation of neural stem cell maintenance and fate decisions
  • 11h50 short-talk from trainee

12h05 lunch

Session 2: Stem cells in behavior and brain diseases

  • 13h30 Jason Snyder (UBC)
    Extended development of adult-born neurons provides plasticity to the aging brain
  • 14h00 Paul Frankland (SickKids)
    Hippocampal neurogenesis, forgetting and generalization
  • 14h30 Leigh Anne Swayne (U. Victoria)
    At the crossroads of understanding the role of Pannexin 1 in neuronal development
  • 15h00 short-talk from trainee


15h15 closing remarks


17h00 CAN opening


Several opportunities for trainees to present their work as short talks. Interested applicants send the abstract to by March 31st.

Registration link: