CAN holds its first in-person Hill Day in Ottawa November 3, 2022

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience held its first in-person Parliament Hill Day on November 3, 2022 in Ottawa. It was an opportunity for our team of neuroadvocates to meet face to face or virtually with members of Parliament, Senators, Parliamentary staff members and important senior civil servants to advocate for a increased support for CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC, graduate scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships, and to make research on Brain and Mental Health a national priority.

We invite you to read our one-page leave-behind document, which summarizes our ask.

This ask and justifications are better explained in our submission to pre-budget consultations

It was a very productive day of meetings and relationship building, with 17 Neuroadvocates from across Canada participating in meetings with 21 MPs, Senators, Senior decision makers and their staff.