Postdoctoral Position in Systems Neuroscience – University of Toronto Scarborough

The Arruda-Carvalho lab is looking for a highly motivated applicant to lead a collaborative, HFSP-funded project focusing on the neural mechanisms of fear generalization in mice. The project will include experiments spanning behaviour, slice electrophysiology, stereotaxic surgery, fiber photometry and optogenetics. The project is part of a collaborative grant with the Grewe lab in the University of Zurich and the Kheirbeck lab at UCSF.

We are looking for applicants with a PhD in neuroscience, biology, psychology or closely related field. Experience with rodent research is necessary. Experience with slice electrophysiology (whole cell patch clamping) and stereotaxic surgery is wanted but not a requirement.

Please visit our lab website to learn more about our group:
Contact information All individuals interested in this position must submit a CV, statement of interest and a list of references to

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