Canadian Association for Neuroscience Conference Childcare, Dependent or Disability Care Subsidy

Funding under this program is intended to benefit Canadian Association for Neuroscience postdoctoral fellows and trainee members who attend the Canadian Association for Neuroscience conference by helping to alleviate the financial burdens of childcare or adult dependent care while attending the meeting for oral or poster presentations. Members who require a travel companion due to their own disability are also eligible for the subsidy.


A postdoctoral fellow or full-time student in a graduate program under the supervision of a member of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience.

The trainee applicant must also be a member of Canadian Association for Neuroscience

Applicant must be presenting original work as first author in a poster or oral presentation abstract.

Value:  Up to $500. This program is subject to the availability of funds

Number:  Variable (minimum 10)

Use of funds:

One subsidy of up to $500 will be awarded per applicant per fiscal year, subject to the availability of funds. Applications will be adjudicated by the Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN-ACN) Equity Diversity and Inclusivity committee based on the following criteria:

  • First time applicants will have priority.
  • Appropriateness of the budget.
  • Benefit of the conference to the trainee.
  • Completeness of the application and eligibility requirements.

Eligible expenses for the budget include:

  1. Third party dependent care services for the duration of the conference
  2. Travel costs for designated caregiver
  3. Per diem of $50/day for the designated caregiver

Awardees will be asked to recognize CAN-ACN for support during presentations.

The subsidy will be disbursed on the final day of the conference upon proof of conference attendance (ie badge) and need for dependent care (i.e., child’s boarding pass, proof of dependent care arrangements).

Application process:

A letter addressed to the CAN-ACN Equity Diversity Inclusivity subcommittee outlining:

  • the trainee’s abstract (oral or poster)
  • proof of PI and trainee’s CAN-ACN membership
  • 150-300 word statement on the benefit of the conference attendance to their training
  • short paragraph detailing the need and plans for dependent care arrangements
  • a detailed budget for how the dependent care subsidy will be spent
  • Application deadline is March 30, 2020

Letter should be sent to and will be forwarded to the committee.