CAN Trainee research feature: Randriely Merscher Sobreira de Lima – Douglas Hospital Research Centre

Watch a new CAN Trainee Research Feature, by Randriely Merscher Sobreira de Lima, who worked in the laboratory of Dr. Patrícia Pelufo Silveira at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre at McGill University.

In this research feature, she present the publication:

de Lima Randriely Merscher Sobreira, Barth Barbara, Arcego Danusa Mar, de Mendonça Filho Euclides José, Clappison Andrew, Patel Sachin, Wang Zihan, Pokhvisneva Irina, Sassi Roberto Britto, Hall Geoffrey B. C., Kobor Michael S., O’Donnell Kieran J., Bittencourt Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos, Meaney Michael J., Dalmaz Carla, Silveira Patrícia Pelufo (2020) Amygdala 5-HTT Gene Network Moderates the Effects of Postnatal Adversity on Attention Problems: Anatomo-Functional Correlation and Epigenetic Changes. Front Neurosci, 14, 198. doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.00198