Procedure to register for the 2020 FENS Forum at partner rate


In order to take advantage of partner member registration rates for the 2020 FENS Forum, you must

  1. Be a member in good standing of CAN (membership dues paid)
  2.  Send the following information to CAN:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Date of birth
    • Affiliation (university or institution),
    • Position (student or otherwise),
    • Country of residence,
    • Nationality
  3. Agree to the following statement
    “I consent to CAN sharing the aforementionned information with FENS and Kenes, FENS’s Professional Conference Organisers, for the purpose of registration to the 2020 FENS Forum”

Please send this information by email to:

In order to benefit from early-bird member registration rates, please send this information by email to CAN by February 24th, 2020 midnight EST at the latest.  Requests received after this deadline may not be accepted by FENS offices.

  • CAN will send your information to FENS.  Kenes will use the information to create an account for each member in their registration software and send an invitation by email to each member to register for the Forum. Each member will then be able to register for the Forum at a reduced rate either as a student or regular member.

    The reduced registration rates for the FENS Forum 2020 are

    Registration CategoryEarly FeeRegular FeeOnsite Fee
    Partner Member€ 310€ 400€ 440
    Partner Student Member€ 130€ 205€ 260

    Important notes:

      • It will not be possible to modify the registration status for CAN members after the regular registration deadline if they have already paid the full rate.
      • If a member of the CAN wishes to register onsite at the reduced registration rate, they must provide confirmation from CAN of their membership. They will otherwise be requested to register at a full registration rate.