CAN WIN Mentorship Lunch: Your future in science: following your head and your heart’, Dr. Hollis Cline

Monday May 29th, noon

CAN Women in Neuroscience (WIN) invites trainees to a mentorship lunch with keynote speaker Hollis Cline (Scripps Research Institute). Dr. Cline is the Chair of the Department of Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience at The Scripps Research Institute, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a previous President of the Society for Neuroscience.

Dr. Cline will present a career development seminar titled “Your future in science: following your head and your heart’, her presentation will be followed by a Q & A and discussion, moderated by CAN members Katalin Toth, Alanna Watt, Shernaz Bamji, Melanie Woodin, and Stephanie Borgland. This event is free, but registration is required. This event is sponsored by the IBRO.

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