2023 is off to a great start for the Canadian Association for Neuroscience! I am excited to present to you some of our progress over the past months, which is helping to realize our plans for the new year. We are continuing our efforts to promote science funding through advocacy, to provide networking opportunities for our members and to shine light on important work that neuroscientists do for Canada. I invite you to read this newsletter to learn how you can get more involved with our community.
The CAN New Investigator Award recognizes the research achievements of an early-career stage neuroscientist. Every year, we receive an impressive roster of candidates, which underscores the incredible research done by the new generation of scientists. I invite eligible candidates to submit an application for the 2023 New Investigator Award – the deadline is fast approaching – January 31, 2023.
Planning is also well underway for the next Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, which will take place May 28th to 31st, 2023, in Montreal. This meeting will be an outstanding opportunity for networking, sharing our science and getting together with old and new friends. The scientific program features neuroscience leaders from Canada and abroad, with broad scope and cutting-edge research. I want to congratulate Ian Winship and Stephanie Fulton for all of their effort in developing a outstanding program for this year’s meeting. I also want to thank Natasha Rajah, who is chair of the local organizing committee, for her excellent work in organizing the public lectures and contributions to the social events at the meeting. Finally, we are developing events within the meeting program that aim to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in science, career development and science advocacy – keep an eye on our website for forthcoming details.
Keith Murai
Note that there are still a few days left to submit an abstract for a poster presentation (until January 31; see details here for abstract submission). The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) is a long-time supporter of our meeting, and importantly, provides travel awards for trainees from underrepresented groups . We are also thrilled to announce the BrightFocus Foundation as a new supporter for the 2023 meeting, who will provide diversity travel fellowships and regular travel awards (see details here for eligibility and application information for all travel awards – deadline is February 7). Supporting the participation of trainees in our meeting is always a priority, and we are very grateful to these major contributors.
New to this year, we are also thrilled to support the Canadian Neuroscience Seminars: Postdoctoral Series (CNS-PDS). This series is aimed at showcasing the outstanding research performed by our postdoctoral fellows. We would like to thank Tarek Shaker and members of the organizing committee for their major effort in establishing this important new initiative. Follow them on twitter (https://twitter.com/CNS_PDS) and stay tuned for more information!
As science advocacy is necessary step to increasing support for research in Canada, I invite you to participate in the pre-budget consultations of the Minister of Finance, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, which is accepting submissions until February 10, 2023. This is a chance to highlight the contributions scientists in Canada make to supporting knowledge growth, health, the economy and to building an innovative society. It is important to have our voice heard to remind the government that increasing funding for science and research must be a priority.
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank our members who participated in our first ever in-person Parliament Hill Day, which took place last November. Seventeen members travelled to Ottawa to meet with Parliamentarians of all parties and to discuss important issues related to support for science and research. The dedication and engagement of participants from all career levels was truly inspiring. We hope to build upon this momentum to strengthen relationships between scientists and the government.
With my best wishes for the new year,
Keith Murai,President of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience
CAN Meeting
The 16th Canadian Neuroscience Meeting will take place May 28 – 31, 2023, at the Hotel Bonaventure in Montreal.
Scientific Program
View the program here, including plenary and parallel symposia:
The Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN) provides travel awards for students and post-doctoral fellows to cover part of the costs associated with meeting attendance.
New for 2023: CAN is pleased to announce a new partnership with BrightFocus to support trainee participation in the CAN meeting for travel fellowships, including diversity fellowships. Bright Focus Travel Awards will be attributed in two categories: BrightFocus Diversity Awards (for trainees from under-represented groups) and BrightFocus Travel Awards (open to all), and awards will be attributed based on eligibility.
IBRO Travel awards for members of underrepresented groups: The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) provides travel awards for the CAN meeting to promote the participation of students and post-doctoral fellows that are part of under-represented groups and that come from small Canadian universities (non U-15 universities).
There is a single application form for all travel awards
Please use this link from the Hotel Bonaventure to reserve your room:
CAN regular rate: $250 + taxes
Regular bookings with 72 hr cancellation policy and must be booked before April 27, 2023. Book now!
CAN Advocacy
Participate in the Budget consultations of the Minister of Finances
The federal government is focused on building a resilient economy that works for everyone, and ahead of Budget 2023, they want to hear your ideas about how to help Canadians succeed while building stronger, greener, more competitive, more innovative, and more inclusive Canadian economy. Increased funding for scientific research in Canada is one of the keys that will help Canada achieve these goals.
This is your opportunity to share what is most important to you! What challenges do you see ahead of us? What should the government be focused on? What great ideas do you have?
A short questionnaire, which takes about five minutes to answer will be available until February 10, 2023.
In addition, Canadians are welcome to their ideas and comments with the Department of Finance through the Formal Submission process.
Both options are available on the following website, until February 10, 2023.
CAN will be submitting a brief highlighting how investing in science is important for all Canadians.
Consider submitting a brief yourself!
CAN Hill Day – November 2022
The Canadian Association for Neuroscience held its first in-person Parliament Hill Day on November 3, 2022 in Ottawa. It was an opportunity for our team of neuroadvocates to meet face to face or virtually with members of Parliament, Senators, Parliamentary staff members and important senior civil servants to advocate for a increased support for CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC, graduate scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships, and to make research on Brain and Mental Health a national priority.
It was a very productive day of meetings and relationship building, with 17 Neuroadvocates from across Canada participating in meetings with 21 MPs, Senators, Senior decision makers and their staff. CAN also met with the Minister of Health, the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos.
Call for nominations for the CAN New Investigator Award: deadline January 31, 2023
The Canadian Association for Neuroscience New Investigator Award recognizes outstanding research achievements by a neuroscientist at the early stage of their career. The award is given based on (i) excellence in research and (ii) demonstration of leadership.
Award: The awardee will deliver a lecture at the CAN annual meeting. The award consists of economy class travel to the meeting (1), accommodation at the conference hotel for three nights, complimentary conference registration and a $1000 award and plaque presented at the CAN annual meeting.
IBRO 2023: Abstract submission and travel grant applications are now open!
Abstract submission and travel grant applications for the IBRO 2023 World Congress are now open! The Congress is welcoming abstracts covering a wide range of topics in neuroscience, including nervous system development, emotion, memory, and cognition, as well as computational neuroscience. The guidelines for submission can be found on the Congress website. Furthermore, travel grants are available to attend the Congress in Granada, Spain, 9-13 September 2023. We look forward to receiving your abstract and travel grant application! Applications deadline: 28 March 2023.
Six Canadian medical heroes are inducted annually into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. Their work may be a single meritorious contribution or a lifetime of superior accomplishments. Pioneers in their field, they are role models of excellence in health in Canada and the world.
Congratulations to Sam Weiss and Nahum Sonenberg, 2023 inductees in the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame!
The laureate induction ceremony will take place June 22, 2023 in Halifax – Details here
Congratulations to CAN members elected on SfN Committees
Treasurer-elect of SfN
Quentin Pittman, University of Calgary
Committee members
Finance committee
Katalin Toth, University of Ottawa
Program Committee
Stephanie Borgland, University of Calgary
Roger Thompson, Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Lu-Yang Wang, University of Toronto
Maithé Arruda Carvalho, University of Toronto
Nominating committee
Anthony Phillips, University of British Columbia
Government and Public Affairs Committee
Shernaz Bamji, University of British Columbia
Professional Development Committee
Shalina S Ousman, University of Calgary
Trainee Advisory Committee
Tamunotonye Omoluabi, Memorial University
Note that the SfN 2023 Call for Nominations is now open.
Nominations can be submitted through the SfN Nominations Portal, using your SfN membership login. In addition to submitting a name and recommended committee, a 100-word maximum narrative of why the nominee should be considered is required. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, February 3, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact SfN staff at governance@sfn.org.