The CAN New Investigator Award recognizes outstanding research achievements by a neuroscientist at the early stage of their career.
Award: The awardee will have the opportunity to present at the CAN annual meeting. The award consists of economy class travel to the meeting, accommodation at the conference hotel for three nights, complimentary conference registration and a $1000 award presented at the CAN annual meeting (1)
Eligibility: Candidates must hold a PhD or MD degree (or equivalent), hold an academic or independent research appointment, be within 7 years of their first appointment in a Canadian university or affiliated research institution at the time of application (2).
To Apply:
Please review the evaluation criteria before completing the application form below to apply
All letters of reference must be submitted to the chair of the CAN Nominations Committee, at the following address:
All applications are reviewed by the CAN Awards & Nominations Committee.
(1) Travel to be arranged by the recipient. Hotel accommodation will be made by CAN. Receipts for travel to be sent to the CAN Secretariat within 14 days after the conference for reimbursement of expenses, plus the honorarium.
(2) Time spent in research appointments in a non-academic setting (e.g., industry, government) count towards the 7-year limit if the candidate has been actively engaged in research, as demonstrated by the candidate’s publication record, and the candidate was not considered to be in training (e.g., as a student or postdoctoral fellow). Please indicate any leave (parental, medical or other) in your CV.
Application deadline is January 30.