Science as a uniting global force: A statement by the Canadian Association for Neuroscience

Recent events at home and abroad foreshadow a more divided and closed world.  As such, the Canadian Association for Neuroscience wants to state their position that science can and must remain a builder of bridges between the peoples of all nations, regardless of differences in political views, religious beliefs or country of origin. Scientists around the world share a desire to advance knowledge in ways that benefit all humans.

As neuroscientists, we can help to build and maintain these bridges.  International collaboration is one of the foundations of modern neuroscience research, and must be defended. By continuing to actively pursue collaborations with scientists from around the world, by visiting them and welcoming them in our laboratories, universities and research centres, we contribute to keeping borders open to the free flow of discoveries, information and data. In this way we ensure that the best ideas from the best scientists around the world can contribute to the advancement of science, health, and welfare.

As scientists, it is our duty to defend the values that are essential for the advancement of human knowledge: diversity of perspective and fact-based knowledge.  Modern science is a global endeavour that strives to advance knowledge for all humanity’s benefit.  The Canadian Association for Neuroscience therefore affirms, in the strongest terms, our commitment to supporting diversity, inclusiveness and international collaboration.

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience.
January 31st, 2017