CAN 2016 Sponsorship opportunities

List of 2016 exhibitors

AbcamBooth 2
ALZET Osmotic Pumps/DURECT CorpT03
Animal Care SystemsT04
ANT North America Inc.Booth 18
Blackrock MicrosystemsBooth 15
Brain Vision, LLCBooth 8
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)Booth 3
Cell Signaling TechnologyT09
Integrated DNA technologiesBooth 5
Lafayette-Campden NeuroscienceBooth 19
Laserglow TechnologiesT08
Lumenera CorporationT01
Mayo Clinic/Mayo Medical LaboratoriesBooth 7
Mightex SystemsBooth 16
Neuralynx, Inc.Booth 20
Neurescence Inc.T07
NeuroNexusBooth 14
Noldus Information TechnologyBooth 22
Olympus Canada Inc.Booth 23
Parkinson CanadaT02
PeproTech, Inc.Booth 1
PlexonBooth 21
Precision NanoSystems Inc.Booth 5
Rogue Research Inc.Booth 4
Society for NeuroscienceBooth 6
Spectra-PhysicsBooth 30
Stoelting Co.Booth 12
The Canadian Neurophotonics PlatformT11
The Centre for Drug Research & DevelopmentBooth 10
Thought Technology LtdT06
Tucker – Davis TechnologiesBooth 17
Weston Brain InstituteT10
World Precision InstrumentsBooth 11

CAN2015 SponsorBecome a sponsor

Are you interested in supporting us by becoming a sponsor or an exhibitor? Please send an email to Michelle Smith, or reach her by phone at (250) 472-7644 x 103 for more information about our meeting and the opportunities available to you.

Why sponsor?

Connect with leading and emerging researchers

You will gain exposure, build relationships, develop partnerships and connect with representatives actively involved in Neuroscience research from across Canada and around the world.

Premium branding & positioning opportunity

You will reach your target audience and be recognized as a supporter of the conference and its aims. Set your product, service and brand apart from your competitors – guaranteed visibility on printed materials, advertising, and promotions.

Face time with leading scientists

You will have the opportunity to connect with over 600 investigators, researchers, scientists and students actively involved in Neuroscience research and will have an opportunity to build relationships and form valuable partnerships. Conference registration, marketing opportunities, exhibit booths and networking are among the many benefits associated with sponsoring this conference.

How to become a sponsor?

To become a sponsor or exhibitor, please review the information within the below CAN 2016 Sponsor/exhibitor package. Should you wish to discuss sponsor and/or exhibit opportunities, please contact our Secretariat.

Why should your company exhibit at the 10th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting?

The 10th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting will provide unique opportunities for Exhibitors to promote their products, services and publications to leading neuroscientists and neuroscience research laboratories from across Canada.

  • Maintain market presence
  • Establish new customer leads
  • Demonstrate products/services to a diverse science research base
  • Gain recognition among Canada’s largest gathering of neuroscientists

Who should exhibit at the 10th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting?

  • Laboratory equipment suppliers
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
  • Academic and research institutions
  • Publishers of education materials (journals, scientific, medical and electronic media)
  • Biotech companies looking to recruit talent to further the discovery process and bring much needed treatments for neurological disorders
  • Neurological disease organizations, industry and government organizations

Exhibit rates

  • 8 x 10 booth:               $3000
  • 6ft Table top display:  $1900 (please note: Pop-up stands/banners cannot be placed on either side of the table to extend the display front – items may be placed on or behind the table top only)


What’s Included: 8 x 10 booth

8′ x 10′ booth spaces to include the following:

  • 8′ high drapery back wall – blue
  • 3′ high drapery sidewalls – blue
  • 1 – 6′ x 2′ skirted table – blue
  • 2 – chairs

What’s included: Table Top Display

  • 1 – 6′ x 2′ skirted table – blue
  • 1 – chair

Information for confirmed 2016 Exhibitors:

If you have registered for a booth or table top, you will be able to log back into the system on February 15 and select your top 3 booth location choices.  Booth locations will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.  The exhibitor kit, electrical order form and floor plan will also be made available at this time.

Exhibitor Times

Exhibits are open for the duration of the meeting, however, please review the program at-a-glance on the CAN website for specific break, poster and lunch times each day. Dedicated exhibit/poster sessions occur during breaks so exhibitors can expect a higher level of traffic during these times. Please note times are subject to minor changes.

Sunday May 29

Move-in: 12:00-3:00pm

Opening reception*: 7:00-8:15 PM
*Exhibitors are invited to have exhibits open during this time as the reception takes place around the exhibit floor.

Expo Hours:

Monday, May 30
Exhibit hours: 9:00 – 5:30 PM

Tuesday, May 31
Exhibit hours:  9:00 – 5:15 PM

Exhibitor Drinks*:   17:30 – 18:30
*Your feedback is important to us. We invite you to join us for some drinks and discussion about your experience at the CAN conference.

Wednesday, June 1
Exhibit hours:  9:00 – 3:30 PM

Move out:  3:30-5:30pm

Shipping to CAN:

You may use the carrier of your choice for shipping. All shipping however will require advance storage arranged through Robinson Show Services. Please note that shipments to the RSS Warehouse CANNOT BE DELIVERED BEFORE MAY 11 AND MUST BE DELIVERED BY MAY 24  – 8:00 am

U.S./International Exhibitors: Please use these forms from our official customs broker Mendelssohn Commerce, for shipping to Canada: Annual Canadian Association for Neuroscience – international shipping instructions.



We invite you to book your guestrooms directly on our group reservation booking system: Sheraton Centre Toronto.
If you have any questions, please contact us

Please use the following links to download: