Satellite meeting: Neural Stem Cells function and dysfunction

Date: May 28, 2023, All day

Location: Montreal Bonaventure Hotel




Armen Saghatelyan (University of Ottawa)

Karun Singh (Krembil Research Institute)

Short Description

The 5th satellite meeting on Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) will bring together experts and trainees in the field of embryonic/postnatal stem cells, neurodevelopmental disorders and brain tumors to exchange ideas and discuss recent data. The speakers from multiple institutions across Canada and all career stages will discuss recent advances in the field of stem cell biology and provide insights on how NSC dysfunction may lead to distinct pathological states. The speakers will cover topics spanning from the mechanisms underlying NSCs maintenance and function (session 1) to how NSCs dysfunction leads to brain tumors and various neurodevelopmental disorders (session 2). We hope that this meeting will further catalyze the interactions between Canadian neural stem cell researchers.



Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Ottawa;

STEMCELL Technologies


Tentative Program

May 28, Hotel Bonaventure (room: Montreal 8)

8h30: arrival and registration

9h00 opening remarks


20min talks + 5 min questions


Session 1: Neural stem cells: from development to function

9h10   Ruth Slack (U. Ottawa) The integrated stress response maintains neural stem cell survival following mitochondrial dysfunction

9h35   Michel Cayouette (IRCM) Cellular time travel: from development to regeneration

10h00 Jeff Biernaskie (U Calgary) Interrogating ependymal cell function in the adult brain

10h25 Marissa A. Lithopoulos (U. Ottawa, OHRI, short-talk from trainee) Neonatal hyperoxia in mice triggers long-term cognitive deficits via impairments in cerebrovascular function and neurogenesis  


10h40 coffee break


11h00 Jessica Roisin (UBC) The role of microglia in mediating sex-specific neurodevelopmental responses to maternal stress

11h25 Paul Frankland (SickKids) Hippocampal neurogenesis and memory generalization

11h50 Adrianne Watson (U. Alberta; short-talk from trainee) Neuronally secreted chemokine fractalkine enhances oligodendrogenesis and remyelination from CNS precursor cells


12h05 lunch (included with registration)


Session 2: Stem cells dysfunction in brain disorders

13h30 Brian Kalish (SickKids) Pregnancy, Immunity, and the Fetal Brain: Intrauterine Programming of Neurodevelopment

13h55 Frédéric Charron (IRCM) Mechanisms regulating the proliferation of cerebellum progenitors and their impact on medulloblastoma formation

14h20 Savannah Kilpatrick (Krembil Research Institute; short-talk from trainee) Human 3D organoid models to identify cell-type vulnerabilities in neurodevelopmental disorders


14h35 break


14h50 Ashleigh Willis (UBC; short-talk from trainee) A potential positive role for microglial ligands in neural stem cell-mediated oligodendrogenesis and myelin repair

15h05 Arezu Jahani-Asl (U Ottawa) Transcriptional reprogramming of cancer stem cells in glioblastoma

15h30 Valerie Wallace (Krembil Research Institute) Meningeal macrophages regulate chemokine signalling in pre-tumour cells to inhibit medulloblastoma initiation



15h55 closing remarks


17h00 CAN opening

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