IBRO travel award winners – 2022

The IBRO US-Canada Regional Committee provides travel awards to encourage the participation of Canadian trainees from underrepresented groups in the CAN meeting. The underrepresented groups targeted for inclusion include: aboriginal people (including Status Indians, Non-status Indians, Métis, and Inuit); visible minorities; LGBTQ community; persons with disabilities;  students at a smaller university/college (non U15 university).

First Name Last Name Name of Supervisor Affiliation
Logan Bigelow Paul Bernard University of Prince Edward Island
Sarah Connolly Jacqueline Vanderluit Memorial University of Newfoundland
François Coulombe-Rozon Caroline Ménard Université Laval
Erin Grafe Brian Christie University of Victoria
Zeeshan Haqqee Sylvain Williams McGill University
S M Nageeb Hasan Francis R. Bambico Memorial University of Newfoundland
Reza Hazrati Yves De Koninck Université Laval
Nathaniel Jones Simon Chen University of Ottawa
Linda Le Richard Dyck University of Calgary
Dhruv Mehrotra Adrien Peyrache McGill University
Refilwe Mpai Naguib Mechawar McGill University
Chioma Nwachukwu Jeremy W. Chopek University of Manitoba
Raksha Ramkumar Derya Sargin University of Calgary
Alysia Ross Hongyu Sun University of Ottawa
Eva Simoncicova Marie-Ève Tremblay University of Victoria
Hovy Ho-Wai Wong Jesper Sjöström McGill University