Friday May 13, 12PM – 1:30 PM
Science Advocacy – Why it matters, and how you can participate
While Canadians support fundamental research funding and understand its importance for their health and well-being, funding research is not a budgetary priority for the Canadian government. There is still a lot of work to do to raise the public profile of research and awareness of the importance of increased funding for research in Canada.
The Canadian Association for Neuroscience has built an active and efficient advocacy program over the last years thanks to the important support provided by the Society for Neuroscience, to advocate for increased funding for basic research in Canada.
In this session, we will review some of the advocacy activities CAN has launched over years, and present opportunities for you, as scientists, to participate in advocacy activities.
Topics discussed with include examples of how other countries have engaged in science advocacy and the outcomes & impact of these efforts, and the intrinsic value of these activities for advocates, including science communication training, a better understanding of the funding/government system, and added valuable experience that can be added to your résumé.
Karun Singh, University of Toronto & University Health Network
Chair of the CAN advocacy committee
Wai Haung (Ho) Yu, CAMH & University of Toronto
Member of the CAN Advocacy committee
Lunch will be provided for the first 50 registrants – Add this event to your meeting registration