IBRO Travel award winners – 2019

The IBRO US-Canada Regional Committee is providing travel awards to encourage the participation of Canadian trainees from underrepresented groups in the CAN meeting.  The underrepresented groups targeted for inclusion included: Students at a smaller university/college (non U15 university); Uniquely abled persons; Aboriginal people (including Status Indians, Non-status Indians, Métis, and Inuit); Visible minorities and others.


Name Supervisor Affiliation
Tina Wang Hongyu Sun Carleton
Jennifer Brock Per Jesper Sjöström McGill University Health Centre- Faculty of Medicine
Angela Fung Jesse Jackson University of Alberta
Briana Renda Jennifer Murray University of Guelph
Clara Amegandjin Graziella Di Cristo Université de Montréal, Centre de Recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine
Sarah Zhang Greg Silasi University of Ottawa
Shahnaza Hamidullah Jibran Khokhar University of Guelph, Biomedical Science
Sivaniya Subramaniapillai M. Natasha Rajah McGill University – Douglas Research Institute
Mariana Marquez Maurice Chacron McGill University
Haley Geertsma Maxime Rousseaux University of Ottawa
Aditi Sankhe Melissa Chee Carleton University
Prajwal Raghunatha Michael F Jackson University of Manitoba
Danusa Mar Arcego Michael Meaney McGill University
Barbara Barth Patricia Pelufo Silveira McGill University
Eric Chu Paul Pavlidis University of British Columbia, Michael Smith Laboratories
MohamadReza Aghanoori Paul Fernyhough Division of Neurodegenerative Disorders, St Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre
Bensun Fong Ruth S Slack University of Ottawa, University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Research Institute
Roger Hudson Steven Laviolette University of Western Ontario, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
Miguel Skirzewski Dr. Tim Bussey University of Western Ontario, Brain and Mind Institute, BrainsCAN
Shea Keil Tuan Bui University of Ottawa, Department of Biology
Maria Neus Ballester Roig Valérie Mongrain Université de Montréal
Aoi Ichiyama Wataru Inoue Western University, Robarts Research Institute
Shuo Huang Dr. Gerald Zamponi University of Calgary, Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Antonios Diab James P Fawcett Dalhousie University