CAPnet-CPS CAN-ACN Satellite symposium “Perception, Action and their interaction: Data, Models and Dysfunction”

Date: Saturday, May 27th, 2017, 8 am to 4:30 pm
Venue: CAN-ACN Conference, Hotel Bonaventure, Montreal, QC

Program :

This one-day satellite symposium focuses on perception and sensorimotor processes underlying the control of vision and movement in healthy and clinical populations.
Jointly organized by the Canadian Action and Perception Network (CAPnet), a neuroscience research consortium that focuses on sensation, perception, and movement control, and by the Canadian Physiological Society (CPS) we invite abstract submission.
The satellite is open to everyone and will highlight presentations from neuroscientists across Canada in talk sessions, a poster session, and a keynote lecture given by the recipient of the 2017 CPS Sarrazin Lectureship. For more information visit
Click here to view/download the program.

Program committee:

Aarlenne Khan (U. Montreal., chair), Steven Prime (U. Saskatchewan), Brian Corneil (U. Western Ontario), Paul Gribble (U. Western Ontario), Lauren Sergio (York U.), Niko Troje (Queen’s U.), Erik Cook (McGill), Andrea Green (U. Montreal)

How to submit an abstract:

Satellite abstracts can be the same as, or different from, those submitted to the main CAN‐ACN meeting. The number of oral presentations is limited (approx. 20) and will be selected by the program committee based on the excellence and novelty of the abstract, fit of the topic with the satellite theme, and to maximize the number of labs presenting. A preference for poster or talk should be included in the abstract submission. Talks will be 15 minutes long (including questions). Two trainee awards, one for best talk and one for best poster, will be presented at the end of the satellite.
Abstracts should be written in CAN‐ACN format (~250 words) and submitted online
Closing date for abstract submission: March 31st, 2017

How to register:

Registration is available through the CAN registration webpage shortly. Registration fee is $30 if combined with CAN meeting registration or $60 for those wishing to register for the satellite only.
If you wish to register for the satellite only, please use the following link:
CAPnet-CPS satellite only registration
If you wish to register for both the CAN meeting and the satellite, please use this link:
CAN meeting and CAPnet-CPS satellite registration
Travel support for trainees is available through the Canadian Physiological Society (CPS); to be eligible, both student and supervisor have to be CPS members (