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Canadian Neuroscience Seminars – Post-doc series February 1, 2024: Lida Sanchez Sanchez and Tara Janes
2024-02-01 @ 15:00 - 16:00
DATE: Thursday, February 1st, 2024
TIME: 3pm EST (12pm PST)
Zoom link: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/85750617885
1) Title: Mitochondrial recalibration: a novel fingerprint of the impact of neonatal stress on sleep apnea
Speaker: Lida Sanchez Sanchez, Universite Laval
Bio: Lida Sanchez Sanchez is a Cuban Biologist, passionate about Physiology. Throughout her career she has worked on Animal Bioacoustics, Hearing and Cellular Physiology, Bioinformatics, Evolution, Bioenergetics and Respiratory Physiology. She is currently a Postdoc Fellow at the IUCPQ, an Institute associated to the Université Laval in Quebec city. She is always enthusiastic to collaborate with other researchers and enjoys pretty much teamwork.
Twitter account: @Lidita2689
2) Title: Remembering how to breathe: a progestin-based drug rescues breathing in a rodent model of central chemoreflex impairment
Speaker: Tara Janes, University of Alberta
Bio: Tara A. Janes is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Pagliardini Lab at the University of Alberta, Department of Physiology. Her PhD (University of Calgary) explored respiratory rhythm generation in snails, and she has continued to study neural control of breathing in frogs (Université Laval) and rodent models. Tara’s main interest is discovering how environment and sensory systems interact during development to shape respiratory control. Her present research is focused on characterizing progesterone-induced modulation of central chemoreception in health and disease.