Advocacy opportunities – June 2023

Please find below several opportunities to provide written submissions to various studies being undertaken at Committee’s in the House of Commons. Providing a written submission to a study is a great opportunity to build awareness for the important work you are doing, and the need for the government to continue investing in science and research. Submissions should be no more than 2,000 words, including footnotes, graphs, and images. While CAN provides written submissions on behalf of the organization to many of these studies, individual scientists and researchers are welcome to do the same.

Finance committee pre-budget consultations

The House of Commons Finance committee announced today the launch of the 2024 pre-budget consultations: Canadians are Invited to Share Their Priorities for the 2024 Federal Budget

The deadline for submitting written briefs through the Committee’s website ( is no later than Friday, August 4, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Written briefs must be no longer than 2,000 words and should adhere to the following template. All text contained in the written brief, including – but not limited to – graphs, quotes, images and footnotes will count towards the limit of 2,000 words. Only one written brief per organization or individual will be accepted. Written briefs that do not meet these requirements may not be considered by the Committee. Following translation, the written briefs will be posted on the Committee’s website.

Read the official announcement here:

Science and Research committee study on graduate scholarships and postdoctoral fellowship programs

House Science and Research Committee accepting briefs as part of its study on the Government of Canada’s Graduate Scholarship and Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programs

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research is continuing to accept briefs, as part of its study on scholarships. At this time, 28 witnesses have appeared before the Committee to speak to the study, but only six briefs have been received. Written submissions can be sent to the Committee Clerk ( Although no deadline for briefs has been posted, we encourage you to submit soon if interested.

Health committee study on Women’s health

House Health Committee accepting briefs as part of its study on Women’s Health

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health is continuing to accept briefs, as part of its study on women’s health. No specific focus for this study has been identified. Written submissions can be sent to the Committee Clerk ( No deadline for briefs has been posted.

Future studies

House Science and Research Committee to undertake study on the Long-Term Impacts of Pay Gaps Experienced by Different Genders and Equity-Seeking Groups Among Faculty at Canadian Universities

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research will begin a study this fall on the long-term impacts of pay gaps experienced among faculty at Canadian universities. Further details about this study and the deadline for submissions likely won’t be made available until September. CAN will circulate further information when available.

Have a great summer!

The CAN Advocacy team.