Special Call: France-Canada joint parallel symposium

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience (Canada) and the Société des Neurosciences (France) have signed an agreement to subsidize participation of their members in symposia taking place during the partner association’s annual meeting. This agreement aims to promote interaction between members of both societies, and to encourage scientific exchanges.
Members of both societies are encouraged to submit proposals for symposia featuring two members of CAN (Canada) and two members of the SN (France). The two symposium speakers from France will be considered invited speakers at the CAN meeting.
CAN will provide free registration and accommodations at the official meeting hotel for up to 3 nights for the invited speakers. The invited society (Société des neurosciences) will cover air travel (economy) for their members to participate in the meeting.

DEADLINE: November 29, 2022 midnight Central time.

Parallel Symposia are 1.5 hours long and will be chosen based on scientific merit and whether the topic was not covered recently; a balance of junior and senior faculty, and genders of speakers is encouraged. We also wish to ensure that a wide range of neuroscience topics are represented in various symposia.

Only members in good standing can submit a proposal.

Information required for submission:

  • Title of symposium
  • Symposium Chair: Name, university affiliation and type of position, contact information and email:
  • For each speaker: University affiliation and type of position, contact information and email
  • Title of talk
  • Abstract for symposium (max 150 words)
  • Recent publications on the topic by the speakers


Submit a proposal

All proposals will be evaluated by the 2023 Scientific Program Committee. Only one joint symposium will be sponsored, but other symposia can be presented as a regular parallel symposium if participants are willing to cover the cost of their participation.

If your submission is accepted, all symposium speakers listed will be required to submit an individual abstract no later than February 14, 2023.

Please note that after a symposium has been reviewed and accepted, substitution of speakers will not be accepted, unless under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the program committee. Any speaker substitutions may result in your symposium being re-evaluated.