A post-doc position in the field of neural stem cell reprogramming and differentiation, Wang lab, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Description of the position:

Our research focuses on delineating molecular mechanisms that regulate neural stem cell reprogramming and differentiation, with the ultimate goal of the development of stem cell- based therapy to promote neural repair in the context of various neurological disorders. The individual filling this position is particularly involved in the ongoing project in the lab that is to develop integration-free methodology to reprogram non-neuronal cells into neural cells and to optimize stem cell-based therapies for post-stroke neurovascular regeneration and functional recovery. A variety of molecular, cellular, and behavioral techniques are used in the laboratory, including transgenic mouse models, neurosphere culture, rodent and human reprogramming cell culture and stereotaxic surgery, various neurological degeneration disease models, etc.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Experience in rat stroke models, stereotaxic surgery, Cell Biology (cell line or primary cell culture, immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry) and in vivo animal study.
  • Excellence in research with strong publication records
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Self-motivated and strong desire to learn
  • Experience with Human primary cell culture is an asset

Deadline: Until the position is filled.

Individuals who are interested in the position should submit curriculum vitae, a copy of official transcripts, statement of research interest and names of three references to:

Dr. Jing Wang, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Assistant Professor Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine

University of Ottawa
Ottawa Hospital, 501 Smyth Rd, Box 511
Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6 CANADA