Program 2020

Saturday, May 30, 2 PM:

CAN public lectures

Antoine Hakim 

Save your brain – Seven rules to prevent dementia

Learn more about Antoine Hakim 

Saturday, May 30 and Sunday May 31:

CAN 2020 Satellite symposia

Day 1 : Sunday, May 31

9:00 AM – 4:30 PMCAN Satellite symposia
5:00 – 5:15 PMWelcome and Opening Remarks by

Katalin Toth, President of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience

5:15 – 5:45 PMCAN invited partner presentations

SfN Past President Diane Lipscombe

More TBA

5:45 – 6:45Presidential Lecture

Michael Hausser –University College London

6:45 – 8:00Opening Reception


Day 2: Monday, June 1

 8:30 – 10:15 AM

Plenary symposium 1 – Model systems and the circuitry and epigenetic mechanisms that underlie behaviour

Chair: Vince Tropepe | University of Toronto


  • Harold Burgess | NIH
    If not now – when? Circuits for rapid evasive behavior in zebrafish
  • Mei Zhen | University of Toronto
    Analogy by compression: implication from the anatomic and functional studies of C. elegans neural circuits
  • James Kramer – Dalhousie University
    Neurons, chromatin, and neurodevelopmental disorders


10:15 – 10:45Coffee break


10:45 – 11:45Featured Plenary speaker 1

Gwyneth Card – HHMI-Janelia

11:45 – 12:00Award presentation
12:00 – 1:30Lunch on own

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion luncheon 

 1:30 – 3:00

Parallel Symposium 1 -The diverse roles of glia in stress and metabolic disorders

Chair: Thierry Alquier | University of Montreal/CRCHUM


  • Thierry Alquier | Université de Montréal
  • Cristina Garcia-Caceres | Helmholtz Zentrum München Germany
  • Maia Kokoeva | McGill University
  • Ciaran Murphy-Royal | University of Calgary

Parallel Symposium 2 – Alternative splicing in the health and disease of the mammalian brain

Chair: Derek Bowie | McGill University


  • Diane Lipscombe | Brown University
  • Ameet Sengar | SickKids Hospital
  • Amanda Perozzo | McGill University
  • Benjamin Blencowe | University of Toronto

Parallel Symposium 3 – Neurovascular function in health and disease

Chair: Caroline Ménard | Université Laval


  • Baptiste Lacoste | University of Ottawa
  • Caroline Menard | Université Laval
  • Mike Sapieha | Université de Montréal
  • Craig Brown | University of Victoria

Parallel Symposium 4 – The hypothalamus and its hormones in health & disease

Chair: Masha Prager-Khoutorsky | McGill University


  • Melissa Chee | Carleton University
  • Masha Prager-Khoutorsky | McGill University
  • Katrina Y Choe | UCLA
  • Tamás Füzesi | University of Calgary
 3:00 – 3:30Coffee break
 3:30 – 5:30PMPoster session 1 & Exhibits
 5:30 – 7:00

Brain Prize lecture -Lundbeck Foundation

 7:30 – 9:30CAN Student Social


Day 3: Tuesday, June 2

 8:30 – 10:15 AM

Plenary symposium 2: Making and using neural circuits

Chair: Frédéric Charron, IRCM


Frederic Charron | Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM), University of Montreal, McGill University
Wiring the visual system: axon guidance and binocular depth perception

Freda Miller | SickKids Hospital, University of Toronto
The evolving neural stem cell: How the developing niche defines stem cell identity and neurogenesis 

Mark Cembrowski | University of British Colombia
Cell-type-specific underpinnings of hippocampus-dependent memory.

10:15 – 10:45Coffee break


10:45 – 11:45Featured Plenary speaker 2

Magdalena Goetz  -Munich Center for Neurosciences – Brain & Mind

11:45 – 12:00Award presentation
12:00 – 12:30Advocacy workshop
12:30 – 1:30Lunch on own
 1:30 – 3:00

Parallel Symposium 5 – Neuronal Plasticity in Development and Disease

Chair: Claire Benard | UQAM


  • Michael Francis and Claire Benard | University Of Massachusetts Medical School And Uqam
  • Kota Mizumoto | University Of British Columbia
  • Alanna Watt | Mcgill University
  • Saïd Kourrich | UQAM


Parallel Symposium 6 – Emerging role of microglia in neurodegeneration

Chair: Tiina Kauppinen | University of Manitoba


  • Tiina Kauppinen | University of Manitoba
  • Jasna Kriz | Université Laval
  • Jason Plemel | University of Alberta
  • Deborah Kurrasch | University of Calgary


Parallel Symposium 7 – Intersections between chloride homeostasis and synaptic communication in health and disease

Chair: Nicholas Weilinger | University of British Columbia


  • Isabel Plasencia-Fernandez | Université Laval
  • Jaideep Bains | University of Calgary
  • Rochelle Hines | University of Nevada at Las Vegas
  • Nicholas Weilinger | University of British Columbia


Parallel Symposium 8 – New advances in the study of prefrontal cortex

Chair: Martin Paré


  • Céline Amiez | Inserm, France
  • Pierre Pouget | CNRS, Paris France
  • Stefan Everling | University of Western Ontario
  • Jeremy K Seamans | University of British Columbia
 3:00 – 3:30Coffee break
 3:30 – 5:30Posters session 2 and Exhibits
 5:30 – 6:00

Young investigator award lecture

 6:00 – 7:00Keynote Lecture

Frank Polleux, Columbia University


Day 4: Wednesday, June 3

 8:30 – 10:15 A.M.

Plenary symposium 3: Mitochondrial function and dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: insights from native and model cells

Chair: Louis-Eric Trudeau | Université de Montréal


Louis-Eric Trudeau | Université de Montréal
Mitochondrial dysfunction in dopamine neurons in PD: at the interface of cell-autonomous and non cell-autonomous mechanisms

Scott Ryan | University of Guelph
Mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction in synucleinopathies

Janelle Drouin-Ouellet | Université de Montréal
Direct neuronal reprogramming of patient skin fibroblasts to study mitochondrial dysfunction associated to idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease


 10:15 – 10:45Posters/exhibits

Coffee break

10:45 – 11:45Featured Plenary speaker 3

Heidi McBride, McGill University

11:45 – 12:00 PMAward presentation
12:00 – 1:30 PMCAN-ACN Annual General Meeting of members (12:00 – 12:30)
Lunch on own
 1:30 – 3:30


Posters session 3 & Exhibits

3:30 – 5:00

Parallel Symposium 9 – Dopamine and the response to environmental variation over the lifecourse: Clinical, neuroimaging, genomic and context characterization studies

Chair: Laurette Dubé | McGill University


  • Robert D. Levitan | CAMH
  • Susan Carnell | Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
  • Cecilia Flores | McGill University
  • Barbara Barth, McGill University

Parallel Symposium 10 -Novel Sources of Neurogenesis in vivo and in Response to Neurological Injury

Chair: Jing Wang | Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


  • Michel Cayouette | IRCM Montreal
  • Karl Fernandes | Université de Montréal
  • Maryam Faiz | University of Toronto
  • Jing Wang | Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Parallel Symposium 11 – Circulating Immune Cells in the Brain: Their Interactions with Glia and Neurons

Chair: Alexander Lohman | University of Calgary


  • Tajie Harris | University of Virginia, USA
  • Diana Matheoud | Université de Montréal
  • Nader Ghasemlou | Queen’s University
  • Chay Kuo, Duke University

Parallel Symposium 12 – The ever-expanding roles of astrocytes in neural circuits, metabolism and disease

Chair: Angela Scott | McMaster University


  • Angela Scott | McMaster University
  • Grant Gordon | University of Calgary
  • Jillian Stobart | University of Manitoba
  • Arlette Kolta | Université de Montréal