Press releases CAN2015

Please contact Julie Poupart, Communications Director for the Canadian Association for Neuroscience, for further information, to receive a press pack, or to request an interview with a neuroscientist: Press passes for the Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, May 24-27 2015, in Vancouver, are available for accredited journalists at the meeting registration desk.

CAN2015 Press releases

Michael Douglas Gordon is the 2015 CAN Young Investigator awardee

Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Public Talks and Café Scientifique in Vancouver May 23-27

Can you see what I hear? Blind human echolocators use visual areas of the brain – Canadian expert Mel Goodale determines echolocators use echoes to detect multiple properties of objects through areas of the brain associated with vision

Patterns of brain activity reorganize visual perception during eye movements
New research by Christopher Pack, from McGill University, suggests oscillations in brain activity have multiple roles in vision processing

Motherhood permanently alters the brain and its response to hormone therapy later in life
Liisa Galea from the University of British Columbia presents her latest findings on hormone therapy and brain function at 9th Annual Canadian Neuroscience Meeting

A better understanding of links between pain and anxiety reveals treatment opportunities
Dr. Min Zhuo and his team at the University of Toronto have found the biological basis for the link between pain and anxiety

Molecules involved in Alzheimer’s have a role in weakening of connections between neurons
Graham Collingridge finds molecules strongly associated with Alzheimer’s disease are important players in a process called long-term depression

New findings about mechanisms underlying chronic pain reveal novel therapeutic strategies
Michael Salter, from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), uncovers a critical role for microglia in pain


About the Canadian Neuroscience Meeting
The Canadian Association for Neuroscience is holding its 9th Annual Meeting in Vancouver, May 24 to 27 2015. Held yearly since 2007, it brings together researchers working in all fields of neuroscience research. Organized by neuroscientists and for neuroscientists, it highlights the best and most novel neuroscience research in Canada every year.
About the Canadian Association for Neuroscience:
The Canadian Association for Neuroscience is the largest association dedicated to the promotion of all fields of neuroscience research in Canada. The association has been organizing a yearly annual meeting since 2007.

Press Pack