October-December 2015 Opinion pieces published

Dec 22nd:
CIHR Number Crunching or All I Want for Christmas is My Two Project Grants
by Jim Woodgett

Dec 18th:
by Michael Hendricks

Dec 14th 2015
Elizabeth Payne in the Ottawa Citizen, cites Michael Hendricks, in
Researcher on CIHR funding drought: ‘It is called eating your young’

Dec 11:
Has hope returned to public science?
University World News

Dec 10th, 2015:
Encouraging words from the new Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, in a press release about the Nobel prize awarded to Canadian Arthur B MacDonald:
The Canadian government values the work of our country’s scientific community – and fully supports it – by encouraging excellence and respecting scientists’ independence. We will ensure that all future decisions on matters that affect Canadians will be informed by scientific evidence. –
See more at: http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2015/12/10/statement-prime-minister-canada-dr-arthur-b-mcdonald-being-awarded-2015-nobel-prize#sthash.YYb1DvZG.dpuf

Dec 9th:
Dear Minister
by Michael Hendricks

Dec 9th 2015:
Answer to the previous post by Jim Woodgett

Nov 30th 2015:
“The research challenges Canada faces”
By Ivan Semeniuk, from the Globe and Mail:

Nov 27th, 2015
New Science Minister promises more support for Basic Research
By Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizen

Nov 25th, 2015:
Ottawa researcher to students: Don’t be scientists due to ‘dismal outlook’
Elizabeth Payne – Ottawa Citizen
Stephen Ferguson says he can no longer “in good conscience” advise students to pursue a career in science in Canada “due to the dismal outlook we are facing.”

Nov 24th, 2015:
‘Demoralized’ scientists demand changes at $1B health research agency
Elizabeth Payne – Ottawa Citizen

Nov 1, 2015
The science of funding science -If knowledge is power, then shouldn’t the powerful invest in knowledge?
By Samantha Yammine in The Varsity
Freda Miller is cited:
“The pursuit of science has shown us time and again that the breakthroughs that lead to new treatments for devastating disorders frequently come from basic, curiosity-driven research asking how things work,” she said. Miller’s research is asking fundamental questions on how the brain is built from stem cells during development, which she describes yielded some findings that snowballed into “a pilot clinical trial using metformin to treat brain injury in children, something that we currently have no treatments for.”

Oct 14, 2015
Doug Munoz in the Vancouver Sun
Increased investment in brain research must be a priority for the next Canadian government. http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Wednesday+Fund+more+brain+research/11435386/story.html?__lsa=a9d4-2859

Oct 9, 2015
Silence on science degrades Canada
 By Daniel Ansari, in The London Free Press

Oct 6: The impact of CIHR reforms on early-career biomedical scientists in Canada
By Michael Hendricks

Oct 1st, 2015:
Curiosity as competitiveness? Basic science research getting lost in translation
By Douglas W. Zochodne in the CMAJ blog