2016 Meeting venue & hotel

The 2016 Canadian Neuroscience meeting will held at the Toronto Centre Sheraton Hotel

Sheraton Centre Toronto
Sheraton Centre Toronto

Please go to the Sheraton Centre Sheraton hotel website for driving and parking directions.

The CAN-ACN Meeting hotel, the Toronto Centre Sheraton Hotel is now open for booking. CAN-ACN attendees have access to the preferred rate of $189 a night.

Please be sure to book your room no later than April 18, 2016, after which point our room block will be released and the preferred conference rate will no longer be available.

Please click on the button below to reserve your accommodation:


Book now!


Benefits of staying at the Conference HQ

Booking your room at the meeting venue allows you to:

  • take advantage of the preferential rates we have negotiated,
  • be present at the venue without commute for early morning sessions,
  • be present for many informal networking opportunities at breakfast and meals, and
  • helps CAN financially as each room booked by meeting attendees counts towards keeping costs down.

Room sharing

If you are interested in a room share with another CAN member to keep costs down, please contact Michelle Smith with your full name, gender, email address, and the dates you’ll be checking in and checking out, and we can put you in touch with other members who wish to room share.

Location & Directions
