IBRO travel awards

The IBRO US-Canada regional committee (IBRO-USCRC) is offering travel awards to encourage participation of Canadian trainees from underrepresented groups in the CAN meeting.  The underrepresented groups targeted for inclusion included: Students at a smaller university/college (non U15 universities); Uniquely abled persons; Aboriginal people (including Status Indians, Non-status Indians, Métis, and Inuit); Visible minorities and others.

Application deadline: March 6, 2020, midnight EST.

CAN meeting travel award application

CAN meeting travel award application


Gender / Genre
Career stage / Niveau de carrière

Supervisor / Superviseur

Please enter your supervisor's institutional address. An email will be sent to this address asking for confirmation of your status.
University, Research Centre

Meeting Participation question / Question de participation au congrès

Priority will be given to participants who are first or presenting author on poster presentations. La priorité sera donnée aux participants qui sont les premiers auteurs ou les auteurs principaux des présentations de posters.
I have submitted an abstract for presentation at the CAN meeting / J'ai soumis un résumé pour présentation au congrès *
Your abstract number can be found in the confirmation email received when you submit your abstract. If you cannot find the abstract number, please indicate 1111, and we will manually check to confirm reception of your abstract.
I am first author/presenter of the poster / Je suis premier(e) auteur(e) du résumé *
I understand that I must pay meeting registration fees / Je comprends que je dois payer mon inscription au congrès *
I received a travel award for the CAN meeting last year / J'ai reçu une bourse de voyage pour le congrès de l'ACN de l'an dernier. *
We favour candidates who have not received travel awards in the previous year. Nous favorisons les candidats qui n'ont pas obtenu de bourses l'année précédente.

IBRO travel award eligibility questions / Questions d'éligibilité pour les bourses IBRO

I am a member of the following groups / Je fais partie des groupes suivants
I agree to be listed as an IBRO awardee on the CAN and IBRO websites if I am awarded an IBRO travel award / J'accepte de figurer sur les sites web du CAN et de l'IBRO en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage de l'IBRO si celle-ci m'est attribuée.
I agree to be contacted by IBRO if I am awarded an IBRO travel award / J'accepte d'être contacté par IBRO en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage de l'IBRO si celle-ci m'est attribuée.

BrightFocus Diversity Award Eligibility Questions / Questions d'éligibilité aux bourses de diversité BrightFocus

I am a member of the following groups / Je suis membre d'un des groupes suivants
I agree to be listed as a BrightFocus awardee on the BrightFocus and CAN websites if I am awarded a BrightFocus travel award / J'accepte de figurer sur les sites web de BrightFocus et du CAN en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage BrightFocus.
Awardee name, affiliation and supervisor names only will be listed on the websites.
I agree to be listed as a BrightFocus awardee on the BrightFocus and CAN websites if I am awarded a BrightFocus travel award / J'accepte de figurer sur les sites web de BrightFocus et du CAN en tant que lauréat d'une bourse de voyage BrightFocus.
BrightFocus Diversity Awards and BrightFocus Travel Awards – priority given to trainees working in the following fields (please choose all that apply) / BrightFocus Diversity Awards et BrightFocus Travel Awards - priorité donnée aux stagiaires travaillant dans les domaines suivants (veuillez choisir tous ceux qui s'appliquent)