2020 Venue

The 2020 Canadian Neuroscience meeting will held at the Hotel Bonaventure Montreal.

Single / Double rate per night: $235

Please note: the deadline for the CAN rate is May 1st, 2020. After this deadline the $235 rate is based on availability.


Please go to the Hotel Bonaventure website for driving and parking directions.

Benefits of staying at the Conference HQ

CAN and the Hotel have entered an agreement that provides benefits to CAN which has allowed us to maintain low registration fees for students this year. If two people choose to share a room it will only cost $99 per person. Booking your room at the Hotel allows you to:

  • take advantage of the preferential rates we have negotiated,
  • be present at the venue without commute for early morning sessions,
  • be present for many informal networking opportunities at breakfast and meals, and
  • helps CAN financially as each room booked by meeting attendees counts towards keeping costs down.

Photo Gallery

All photos courtesy of Hotel Bonaventure Montreal