Registration 2021

Registration is now open

Please refer to the following tables for registration rates for the 2021 meeting


Note: Members of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and of the Australasian Neuroscience Society can register for the Canadian Neuroscience Meeting at CAN member rates, thanks bilateral agreements CAN has signed with these sister societies. Contact your association for instructions on how to obtain this benefit.

All prices are in Canadian dollars ($CAD). Applicable taxes will be added upon registration.

CAN Member Rates

Early-bird rate
Until June 30
Regular rate
Until August 9
Late / On site
Until August 25
Full Member 145 155 175
Post-Doc Member 75 85 105
Student Member 60 70 90

Non-Member Rates

Early-bird rate
Until June 30
Regular rate
Until August 9
Late / On site
Until August 25
Regular 300 320 350
Post-Doc 180 200 220
Student 105 135 150


Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be received in writing. The amount paid less a $25 (+tax) processing fee will be refunded for cancellations post-marked or faxed prior to August 9, 2021. Following this date, no refunds will be issued. To cancel your registration please send a written request via fax or email to De Armond Management Ltd at 250-472-7664 or

 Transfer Policy: There will be a charge of $25 (+tax) to transfer a registration to another person. Transfer requests must be made by August 9, 2021. Following this date, no transfers will be issued.