Postdoctoral Scholar to join a neurovascular imaging laboratory at University of Nevada

The University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine Department of Physiology & Cell Biology is currently seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join a neurovascular imaging laboratory. The applicant will have a deep understanding of the neurovascular coupling and cerebral blood flow regulation.

The successful applicant will be responsible for conducting independent experiments that involve delicate surgeries, complex pharmacological manipulations and highly technical imaging. The ideal candidate has extensive knowledge of vascular biology and/or neuroscience. The incumbent will be required to write manuscripts with guidance from the principal investigator, and present data at national and international conferences. The position requires great technical skills, ability to adapt, troubleshoot experimental protocols, and some scientific creativity. Some computer skills, including Matlab, are highly recommended.

Our lab utilizes two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) to understand how neural cells communicate with vascular cells in order to regulate blood flow to match with metabolic demands. The unique strengths of our approach include state-of-the art TPLSM, awake in vivo mouse model, and advanced techniques including optogenetics, chemogenetics. In addition, we use complementary in vitro models to probe different physiological parameters to understand the interaction among members of the neurovascular unit. We are also interested in uncovering how local signals are integrated to globally regulate blood flow distribution to match moment-to- moment brain activity.

Required Qualifications

The successful candidate will have a recent PhD in vascular biology or neuroscience. The candidate has the ability to troubleshoot complex technical experiments and change procedures as required. Ability to work independently and in a collaborative environment is needed. The candidate also needs to be able to think critically about the projects. Experience in working with animal models is necessary. Good written and verbal communication skills are a must.

Preferred Qualifications

Ability to perform in vitro and/or in vivo experiments is highly desired. Experience in imaging and/or electrophysiology is recommended. Solid publication record is a plus.

Department Information

Our Department ranks highest in extramural research funding among the Departments of the School of Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno, as well as in the number of scientific articles published. The Department contributes to several NIH-funded Program grants such as Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (“COBREs”) Smooth Muscle and Cell Biology, IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) and Program Project Grant (PPG) in its 23rd year.
Contact information Department Contact
Cam Ha Tran, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine, Dept. of Physiology & Cell Biology Office: 775-682-9830