Congratulations to the Canadian neuroscientists inducted to the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Congratulations to the new fellows of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. Induction into the CAHS as a Fellow is considered one of the highest honours within Canada’s academic community.

The newly inducted fellows include the following neuroscientists:

Sultan Darvesh, Dalhousie University

Sultan DarveshA behavioural neurologist and neuroscientist, Dr. Sultan Darvesh is a leading expert on the enzyme, butyrylcholinesterase, and its role in neurological health and disease, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. His studies identified small molecules that can be used in non-invasive brain imaging to pinpoint areas of abnormal function. These compounds are also used to develop drugs that target the enzyme. In 1994, Dr. Darvesh established the Maritime Brain Tissue Bank, one of the largest in Canada. Through his leadership, the MBTB supports national and international neuroscience research. Dr. Darvesh currently holds the Irene MacDonald Sobey Chair in Curative Approaches to Alzheimer’s disease.

Karen Deborah Davis, University of Toronto

Karen DaviesDr. Karen Davis is a Professor at the University of Toronto and Head of the Division of Brain, Imaging and Behaviour – Systems Neuroscience at the Krembil Research Institute. She has pioneered electrophysiological and brain imaging approaches to study pain and treatment outcomes. She is a Councilor of the International Association for the Study of Pain, and chaired a task force that published recommendations regarding brain imaging to diagnose pain. She was inducted into the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars and has received mentorship awards.


Julien Doyon, McGill University

Julien DoyonJulien Doyon is Professor in the Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery at McGill University, Director of the McConnell Brain Imaging Center at the Montreal Neurological Institute and founding Director of the Quebec Bio-Imaging Network funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec: Santé. He has made seminal contributions to our understanding of the brain plasticity and sleep neurophysiological mechanisms associated with the learning and long-term transformation of motor skill memories in the healthy and diseased adult human brain. Because of his scientific work and leadership in neuroimaging, he now enjoys an enviable reputation on the international scientific scene

Mayank Goyal, University of Calgary

Mayank GoyalDr. Mayank Goyal is an Interventional Neuroradiologist and Professor at the University of Calgary. His main research interest is acute stroke imaging, workflow and intervention (225+ publications). He led two worldwide randomized controlled trials that transformed acute stroke treatment. Dr. Goyal is an innovator with several patents including a novel imaging technique (multiphase CTA) that is used worldwide. He is a relentless champion of expediting patient flow-through in acute stroke by educating colleagues internationally on the ‘time is brain’ mantra. He has won the Alberta Science and Technology Award for Innovation and the Canadian Association of Radiologists Distinguished Career Achievement Award.

Lily Hechtman, McGill University

Lily HechtmanDr. Lily Hechtman is Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at McGill University, and Director of Research in the Division of Child Psychiatry. She is a child and adult psychiatrist based at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, and an internationally recognized researcher in the area of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Her research has focused on long term prospective studies of children with ADHD followed into adolescence and adulthood, multimodal treatment studies, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy treatment studies for adolescents and adults with ADHD. She has been continuously funded since 1988 by the U.S. NIMH, NIDA, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Her research has garnered a number of national and international awards. She is a founding member and has served as chair of the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA), a pioneering professional organization whose objectives are to improve the lives of patients with ADHD across the lifespan through research, education, and advocacy.

Glenda M. MacQueen, University of Calgary

Glenda MacQueenDr. MacQueen is an international expert in the neurobiology and clinical features of mood disorders. Her groundbreaking research has uncovered brain changes that occur in depression before and after treatment. She also is lead investigator on a study investigating mental health and irritable bowel syndrome, a disorder that affects 6 million Canadians. Dr. MacQueen publishes and lectures widely and is associate editor for two leading psychiatry journals. She was named a 2016 Top 1% Most Highly Cited Researcher. At the University of Calgary, Dr. MacQueen is Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. She serves on several provincial and national committees.