Budget 2018 : Large new investments to support Canada’s researchers

The Canadian Association for Neuroscience applauds the announcement by the Canadian government of important new financial support for Investigator-led fundamental research.  This budget makes significant strides towards the implementation of the recommendations of the Fundamental Science Review, commissioned by the honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, and is good news for scientists across the country, and all Canadians. 

“The investments announced today will have a significant impact for all Canadians.  Scientific research is among the highest-yield investments that the government can make – it provides training for highly qualified personnel and leads to discoveries that improve the lives and health of everyone”, says Lynn Raymond, President of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience.

In Budget 2018, the Government is proposing historic investments of $925 million over five years, and $235 million per year ongoing in the granting councils of Canada.  This very important increase in funding provided by the federal government through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), in addition to the announcement of an additional $275 million for a new tri-council fund, demonstrates the government’s openness to listen to scientists, universities and stakeholders.

“Scientists are grateful for the dialogue that has been initiated with the government, and we look forward to working with elected officials to follow this road to rebuild support for science in Canada. The Science Minister Kirsty Duncan and the Chief Science Advisor Mona Nemer are in a position to facilitate communication between scientists and the Government, and this budget shows they are really listening to scientists”, said Katalin Toth, Chair of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience Advocacy committee.


“These investments in the federal research councils will support the maintenance and development of a research community that is both diverse and innovative, and will propel Canada in the new knowledge-based global economy.   They enable leading-edge discoveries and support equity, diversity and inclusivity in the research community. “, says Jaideep Bains, Vice-President of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience.

In addition to new investment in investigator-led research, budget 2018 provides $763 million over five years to fund research infrastructure through the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. This provides essential support for innovative research and the development of the tools for the future.

Taken together, these investments show this government’s commitment to supporting Canada’s research community and improving Canada’s economy, competitiveness, health and well-being.

Read our thank you letter to Kirsty Duncan, Bill Morneau and Justin Trudeau here:
