Canadian Interns Contribute to the Success of the 13th CAN-IBRO Summer School

Dr. Claire Bomkamp and Ms. Jennifer BoatengDr. Claire Bomkamp (UBC) and Ms. Jennifer Boateng (McGill) participated as Teaching Interns for the 13th CAN-IBRO school held from May 13-31, 2019 in Montreal and Toronto. The two interns contributed to the teaching of 6 African and 6 Latin American graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and found it a great experience.

The two interns gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of training graduate students and conducting neuroscience research in low and middle resource countries.

Ms. Boateng said,

“The internship not only gave me the opportunity to form friendships with neuroscientists from across the world, but it also taught me how to facilitate collaborations. When we talk about open science, we are often talking about data accessibility; however, this internship has shown that we can make science more open through cross-cultural collaborations.”

And Dr Bomkamp added

“I learned a lot about what neuroscience research looks like in different parts of the world and got to know an awesome group of fun and talented people. It was really rewarding to be able to connect some of the IBRO students with potential collaborators at the CAN meeting.”

The 14th Annual CAN-IBRO Neuroscience will be held in Montreal from May 18 – June 5th in conjunction with the CAN Meeting. Applications are now open for 2 senior neuroscience graduate students, or postdocs, registered at a Canadian university, who are interested in helping promote neuroscience education and research capacity in Africa and Latin America to join our faculty as CAN-IBRO Teaching Interns. (For further information, see: