Programme 2017

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Samedi 27 mai, 2017
Conférence publique et exposition du projet Convergence à la Grande Bibliothèque.

Les portes ouvrent à 13h pour des projections du projet Convergence – Dynamics

Billets gratuits disponibles sur Eventbrite (places limitées)

14:00 – 16:30 PM Le stress: Ou comment chasser le mammouth sans y laisser sa peau
Sonia Lupien, neuroscientifique, Directrice et fondatrice du Centre d’études sur le stress humain, Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal
15:00 – 16:30
Exposition du projet Convergence – Material


Dimanche 28 mai, 2017

9:00 – 16:30 Symposiums satellites
17:00 – 17:15 Mot de bienvenue par
Freda Miller, Présidente de l’Association canadienne des neurosciences
17:15 – 18:00 Conférence spéciale de Margaret Trudeau, Porte-parole en santé mentale
18:00 – 19:00 Conférence présidentielle:
Linda Buck | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in SeattleDeconstructing Smell
19:00 – 20:15 Réception de bienvenue


Monday, May 29, 2017

 8:30 – 10:15 AM

Symposium plénier 1 | Growing, wiring and refining neural circuits in the developing brain.

Président de session: Edward Ruthazer | McGill University
Karun Singh | McMaster University
Signaling mechanisms regulating neural circuit formation and their relevance to neurodevelopmental disorders
Julie LeFebvre | SickKids Hospital
The Protocadherin cell-surface code promotes the wiring and survival of inhibitory interneurons into brain circuits.
Graziella DiCristo
| Université de Montréal
Mechanisms of refinement of cortical GABAergic circuits

 10:15 – 10:45 Pause café


10:45 – 11:45 Conférencière plénière:
Hollis Cline | The Scripps Research Institute
Building circuits to process visual information
11:45 – 12:00 Présentation Cerveau en tête
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Femmes en neuroscience
Diner libre
 13:30 – 15:00

Symposium parallèle 1 | Sleep mechanisms and functions

Présidé par: Valérie Mongrain | Université de Montréal


  • John Peever | University of Toronto
    Circuits controlling REM sleep in health and disease
  • Barbara E Jones | McGill University
    Arousal systems and their regulation by sleep
  • Emma K O’Callaghan | Université de Montréal
    Contribution of circadian components to sleep homeostasis
  • Robbert Havekes | University of Groningen, The Netherlands
    The tired hippocampus: insight into the molecular origins of hippocampal memory deficits associated with sleep loss

Symposium parallèle 2 | Critical Mediators of Pain: Uncovering Novel Therapeutic Targets

Présidé par: Michael Hildebrand | Carleton University


  • Daniela Salvemini | Saint Louis University
    Deregulation of adenosine signaling at the A3 adenosine receptor subtype drives chronic neuropathic pain states – new insights in a novel therapeutic target.
  • Michael Hildebrand | Carleton University
    Molecular determinants of dorsal horn hyperexcitability in pathological pain processing
  • Laura Stone | McGill University
    Preventing pain at the source: targeting intervertebral disc degeneration as a therapeutic strategy for low back pain.

Symposium parallèle 3 | Control of locomotor activity: from the cortex to the spinal cord

Présidé par: Simon Gosgnach | University of Alberta


  • Trevor Drew | Université de Montréal
    Walking 101 : What the brain tells the spinal cord.
  • Alain Frigon | Université de Sherbrooke
    The control of left-right coordination during locomotion by spinal circuits interacting with somatosensory feedback
  • Ying Zhang | Dalhousie University
    The local circuits of V3 interneurons in the spinal cord
  • Patrick Whelan | University of Calgary
    Parallel dopaminergic pathways controlling locomotion in the mouse.

Symposium parallèle 4 | Genetic and Optogenetic Investigation of Neural Circuit Mechanisms for Behaviours

Présidé par: Mei Zhen | Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute


  • Kenichi Okamoto | Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
    Novel optogenetic approaches for studying spatiotemporal roles of cAMP and cGMP signalling from the synapse level to the brain cognitive function
  • Oyama Tomoko | McGill University
    Multilevel multimodal integration enhances action selection in Drosophila
  • Michael Hendricks | McGill University
    Functional asymmetry for temporal stimulus features in C. elegans
  • Michael Gordon | University of British Columbia
    Neural circuit mechanisms for integrating taste, hunger, and nutrient detection in Drosophila
15:00 – 17:30 Affiches   – séance 1

Exposants et rafraîchissements

17:30 – 19:00 Séances parallèles

  • Carrières académiques, une discussion avec
    Lisa Saksida | Western University
    Mike Sapieha | Université de Montréal
  • Mise en valeur des initiatives de promotion et de sensibilisation des neurosciences au Canada
19:00 – 19:30 Réception
Réception pour étudiants et stagiaires internationaux (Commanditée par IBRO)
19:30 – 21:30 Social des étudiants CAN-ACN

Mardi 30 mai 2017

 8:30 – 10:15 Symposium plénier 2 | Glia and brain function
Président de session: Richard Robitaille | Université de Montréal
Marie-Ève Tremblay | Centre Hospitalier de l’Université Laval
Microglia-synapse interactions in health and disease
Grant Gordon | University of Calgary
Behavioral State Dependence of Cortical Astrocyte Ca2+ Signals During Neurovascular Coupling
Richard Robitaille | Université de Montréal
Glial Mismanagement of Neuromuscular Junction Structure and Function in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
10:15 – 10:45 Pause café
Affiches / Exposants
10:45 – 11:45 Featured Plenary speaker:
Dwight Bergles | Johns Hopkins University
Multi-scale analysis of astrocyte activity in the mammalian brain
11:45 – 12:00 Présentation Cerveau en tête
12:00 – 12:30 CAN-ACN Annual General Meeting of members
12:30 – 13:30 Diner libre
13:30 – 15:00

Symposium parallèle 5 | Memory symphony: the score, the orchestra and the conductor

Présidé par: Lisa Topolnik | Université Laval


  • Lisa Topolnik | Université Laval
    VIP members of the hippocampus
  • Mark Brandon | McGill University
    Space and time in the entorhinal-hippocampal circuit in health and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Sylvain Williams | McGill University
    Optogenetic manipulation and visualization of neuronal assemblies during memory formation
  • Attila Losonczy | Columbia University
    Dissecting hippocampal circuits for navigation and memory

Symposium parallèle 6 | Mitochondria as a therapeutic target in Parkinson’s disease

Présidé par: Louis-Eric Trudeau | Université de Montréal


  • Louis-Eric Trudeau | Université de Montréal
    Is increased basal bioenergetics a common property of vulnerable neuronal populations in Parkinson’s disease?
  • Joanne Nash | University of Toronto
    SIRT3 rescues dopaminergic neurons through stabilisation of mitochondrial biogenetics in a rat model of parkinsonism
  • Ruth Slack | University of Ottawa
    Mitochondrial restructuring to enhance ATP production and resistance to stress.
  • David Park | University of Ottawa
    Letm1 as a substrate of the Parkinson’s disease gene pink1

Symposium parallèle 7 | Emerging roles of the cerebellum in shaping brain development and disease

Co-présidé par: Lu-Yang Wang | SickKids Research Institute & Hospital et Alanna Watt | McGill University


  • Dan Goldowitz | University of British Columbia
    Exploring novel and familiar genes involved in cerebellar development
  • Yi-Mei (Amy) Yang | University of Minnesota
    Molecular underpinnings of excessive inhibition in cerebellum with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Derek Bowie | McGill University
    Defective excitatory and inhibitory circuits of the Fragile-X brain
  • Alanna Watt | McGill University
    Ameliorating motor incoordination in a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia

Symposium parallèle 8 | Stroke Recovery: From circuitry to behaviour

Présidé par: Diane Lagace | University of Ottawa


  • Diane Lagace | University of Ottawa
    Neurogenesis and Stroke Recovery
  • Baptiste Lacoste | Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
    Assessing Pathological Cerebrovascular Remodeling
  • Tim Murphy | University of British Columbia
    Automated Mesoscale Circuit and Motor Function Assessment in Mouse Models of Stroke
  • Dale Corbett | University of Ottawa
    Stroke Recovery: Does Rehabilitation Matter?
15:00 – 17:30 Affiches – séance 2
Exposants et rafraîchissements
17:30 – 18:30 Prix et conférences des Jeunes chercheurs de l’ACN 2017

Przemyzlaw (Mike) Sapieha | Université de Montréal

Tuan Trang | University of Calgary

18:30 – 19:30 Conférencier d’honneur:
Charles Bourque | McGill University
Control of body hydration by heat, salt and circadian time
19:30 – 20:00 Reception

Mercredi 31 mai 2017

8:30 – 10:15AM

Symposium plénier 3 | Memory & Cognition

Président de session: Paul Frankland |University of Toronto
Kari Hoffman | York University
Multiple roles of the primate hippocampus in visual exploration
Katherine Duncan | University of Toronto
Memory States in the Human Brain and Behaviour
Paul Frankland |University of Toronto
Identification and interrogation of a fear memory network

10:15 – 10:45 Affiches/Exposants
Pause café
10:45 – 11:45 Conférencier plénier:
Tim Bussey | Western University
How is memory organized? Memory Systems versus the Representational-Hierarchical View
11:45 – 12:00 Présentation Cerveau en tête
12:00 – 13:30 Diner libre
13:30 – 15:30 Affiches – séance 3
Exposants et rafraîchissements
15:30 – 17:00

Symposium parallèle 9 | Epigenetics, DNA Methylation, and Mental Health

Présidé par: Mojgan Rastegar | University of Manitoba


  • Mojgan Rastegar | University of Manitoba
    A multi-level epigenetic deregulation in the brain of Rett Syndrome patients
  • Nathalie Berube | Western University
    Chromatin organization in the developing brain
  • Patrick McGowan | University of Toronto
    The impact of adversity on the DNA methylome
  • James Davie | Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
    DNA Methylation and FASD

Symposium parallèle 10 | New Insights into Reconsolidation

Présidé par: Karim Nader | McGill University


  • Karim Nader | McGill University
  • Satoshi Kida | Tokyo University
  • BK Kaang | Seoul National University
  • Martin Cammarota | Brain Institute – Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
  • Merel Kindt | University of Amsterdam

Symposium parallèle 11 | Estrogen’s effect on cognition and the brain: A translational perspective

Présidé par: Gillian Einstein | University of Toronto


  • Gillian Einstein | University of Toronto
    The effect of estrogen depletion on verbal memory in young women
  • Nicole Gervais | University of Toronto
    Impact of ovarian hormones on recognition memory and perirhinal cortex in rats and humans
  • Agnès Lacreuse | University of Massachusetts
    Neurocognitive effects of estrogens in female non-human primates across the adult lifespan
  • Elizabeth Hampson | Western University
    Estrogen’s Effects on Frontocortical Memory in Peri- and Postmenopausal Women

Symposium parallèle 12 | Mechanisms of Neuronal Migration and Regeneration

Présidé par: Claire Bénard | UQAM / UMass Medical School


  • Claire Bénard | UQAM / UMass Medical School
    Extracellular modulators of axonal guidance and long-term neuronal protection
  • Nicolas Pilon | UQAM
    Fam172a is critically required for neural crest cell migration and proliferation
  • Timothy Kennedy | MNI McGill University
    Netrin-1 and GAG Function in CNS Perineuronal Nets
  • Alexandra Byrne | UMass Medical School
    Poly(ADP-Ribosylation) Regulates Axon Regeneration


Fin du congrès