Programme Scientifique Préliminaire

Le comité du programme scientifique a préparé un programme scientifique excitant pour 2013.

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Lundi, mai 20, 2013
7:30 – 8:30 P.M. Three to Be - CAN Public Lecture Sponsor Conférence Publique de l'ACN
Freda Miller, Hospital for Sick Children et University of Toronto et
Cindi Morshead University of Toronto
"The hope and the hype: stem cells for brain repair"
Daniels Hollywood Theatre à l'hôpital Sick Children
Commandité par Three to Be et par
Transplant and Regenerative Medecine Centre - CAN Public Lecture Sponsor Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Centre , Hospital for Sick Children
Téléchargez l'affiche de cet événement.

Mardi, 21 mai, 2013
9:30 - 16:00 Symposium Satellite:
"Neuroscience careers in government and industry"
17:00Ouverture officielle du 7ème congrès canadien de neurosciences
Mot de bienvenue Samuel David, Président de l'Association Canadienne des Neurosciences
17:00 - 17:15 Présentation du prix du jeune chercheur de l'ACN 2013, Yves De Koninck, président du comité des nominations
17:15 – 17:30Présentation du Barbara Turnbull Award
17:30-18:00 Anthony Phillips (Directeur de l'Institut des neurosciences, de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies )
18:00 – 19:00 Conférence présidentielle: Michael Meaney, McGill University
Maternal regulation of genome structure and function: Implications for familial transmission
Commanditée par Institut et Hôpital neurologique de Montréal - Le "Neuro"
19:00 – 20:15 Réception d'ouverture
Commanditée par Faculty of Medecine - University of Toronto

Mercredi, 22 mai, 2013
8:30 – 9:30 A.M. Symposium plénier: Reward, Feeding and Addiction
Présidé par: Anthony Phillips, University of British Columbia
Alain Dagher, McGill University
Addiction as impaired decision making: insights from functional brain imaging and neuroeconomics
Francesco Leri, University of Guelph
Rats, Oreos and high fructose corn syrup: an analysis of the food addiction hypothesis

Commandité par: Institut des neurosciences, de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies (INSMT) des IRSC
9:30 – 9:45 Conférence «Cerveau en tête»: Hideto Takahashi, University of British Columbia
Slitrk3-PTPδ trans-synaptic complex selectively regulates inhibitory synapse development
9:45 – 10:00 Pause café
10:00- 11:00Ontario Brain Institute - Gold Sponsor Affiches / Exposants
Commandité par Ontario Brain Institute
11:00 – 12:00 Conférence plénière: Marina Picciotto, Yale University
Biological basis of the supermodel diet: effects of nicotine on feeding behavior
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:30 Symposiums parallèles
Symposium 1: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: From structure to cognitive enhancement
Présidente: Evelyn Lambe, University of Toronto
  1. Jack Waters, Northwestern University USA:
    Activation of nicotinic receptors in neocortex by synaptically released acetylcholine
  2. John Baenziger, University of Ottawa:
    Lipids as allosteric modulators of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: From model bilayers to synaptic function
  3. Craig Brown, University of Victoria:
    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors modulate cortical plasticity: New insights from in vivo imaging studies
  4. Evelyn Lambe, University of Toronto:
    Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors control prefrontal attention circuitry
Symposium 2: Coupling neuronal communications to cellular metabolism
Présidents: Derek Bowie, McGill University, and Brian MacVicar, University of British Columbia
  1. Brian MacVicar, University of British Columbia:
    Metabolic communication between astrocytes and neurons
  2. Derek Bowie, McGill University:
    GABAergic synapses and mitochondrial function
  3. Melanie Woodin, University of Toronto:
    The metabolism of chloride homeostasis
  4. Timothy Murphy, University of British Columbia:
    Neuronal excitability during global ischaemia
Symposium 3: Novel mechanisms of chronic pain
Président: Yves De Koninck, Université Laval
Commandité par: The Hotchkiss Brain Institute
  1. Tuan Trang, University of Calgary :
    Paradoxical morphine hyperalgesia gated through microglia-neuron signalling
  2. Ji Zhang, McGill University:
    Early spinal inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and chemokines are not involved in the maintenance phase of neuropathic pain
  3. Catherine Cahill, Queen’s University and UC Irvine:
    Neuropathic pain alters the dopamine reward pathway
  4. Marc Landry, Université de Bordeaux:
    Disinhibition via dedimerization of GABAB receptors by endogenous 14-3-3ζ in chronic pain
Symposium 4: Treatment of Alzheimer's disease: past experiences, present hope and future promises
Chair: Isabelle Aubert, University of Toronto
Commandité parLa Société Alzheimer du Canada
Alzheimer Society of Canada Logo Speakers:
  1. JoAnne McLaurin, University of Toronto:
    Preclinical and Clinical data guiding trials for AD therapies
  2. Sébastien Hébert, Université Laval:
    MicroRNAs as diagnostic and therapeutic targets for Alzheimer’s disease
  3. Steffany Bennett, University of Ottawa:
    Aberrant glycerophosphocholine metabolism is a primary and targetable mediator of synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
  4. Isabelle Aubert, University of Toronto:
    Delivery of therapeutics to the brain using MRI-guided focused ultrasound
14:30 – 17:00 Affiches / Exposants
Commandité par: Student Society for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia et CIHR Training Program in Neurodegenerative Lipidomics
17:00-18:00 PM 2013 Young Investigator Award talk
Commandité par: The Hotchkiss Brain Institute
18:00-19:00 PMOntario Brain Institute - Gold Sponsor Conférence d'honneur: Anatol Kreitzer
University of California, San Francisco
Basal Ganglia Circuit Function in Health and Disease Commandité par Ontario Brain Institute
19:00 Social des étudiants et stagiaires à la brasserie Steam Whistle, 255 boul. Bremner, Toronto
Commandité par le Collaborative Program In Neuroscience de l'Université de Toronto,
The Centre for Brain and Behaviour - The Sick Kids Hospital et
Marigolds & Onions, traiteur.

Télécharger l'annonce de cet événement. Centre for Brain and Behaviour logo

Jeudi, 23 mai, 2013
8:30 – 9:30 Symposium plénier: Brain Imaging and Circuitry
Présidé par: Ravi Menon, Robarts Institute
Jean Gotman, McGill University:
Non-invasive investigation of human epileptic networks by combined EEG-fMRI recordings
Peter Williamson, Western University: A Framework for Interpreting Functional Networks in Neuropsychiatric Disorders Based on Unique Adaptions of the Human Brain

9:30 – 9:45 Conférence «Cerveau en tête»: Jason Gallivan, Queen's University
Decoding action intentions from human brain activity patterns
9:45 – 10:00 Pause café
10:00- 11:00 Affiches / Exposants

Commandité par: The Hotchkiss Brain Institute
11:00 – 12:00 Conférence plénière: Helen Mayberg (Emory University)
Rethinking Depression and its Treatment: Insights from Studies of Deep Brain Stimulation

Commandité par: The Hotchkiss Brain Institute
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:30Symposiums Parallèles
Symposium 5: Integration, activation and behavioural functions of adult-born neurons.
Président: Jason Snyder, University of British Columbia
Commandité par: Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Québec
  1. Armen Saghatelyan, Université Laval:
    The maturation and integration of immature neurons in vivo
  2. Martin Wojtowicz, University of Toronto:
    Modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis by GABA. Mechanisms and functional consequences.
  3. Diano Marrone, Wilfrid Laurier University:
    Activation of newborn neurons by behavioural experiences
  4. Jason Snyder, University of British Columbia:
    Adult­born hippocampal neurons regulate the response to stress
Symposium 6 : Advances in the basic science and clinical understanding of brain arousal states
Président: John Peever, University of Toronto
Sponsored by: Sleep and Biological Rhythms Toronto
  1. John Peever, University of Toronto:
    Neurochemical control of sleep-wake states
  2. Antoine Adamantidis, McGill University:
    Optogenetic identification of a REM sleep circuit
  3. Thanh Dang-Vu, Concordia University:
    Functional neuroimaging of brain rhythms during sleep
  4. Peter Franzen, University of Pittsburgh:
    Imaging the sleeping and disordered brain
Symposium 7: Convergence and divergence among methodologies in cognitive neuroscience
Présidents: Asaf Gilboa, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest and R. Shayna Rosenbaum, York University
  1. Doug Crawford, York University:
    Spatial representation for action in human parietal cortex: an emerging story from fMRI, neuropsychology, and TMS
  2. Lesley Fellows, McGill University:
    How necessary are the frontal lobes for 'frontal executive' functions?
  3. R. Shayna Rosenbaum, York University:
    Do patient and fMRI studies tell the same story? The case of ‘mental displacement’
  4. Marian Berryhill, University of Nevada Reno: Investigating parietal contributions to episodic and working memory
Symposium 8: The recent advances in a monogenetic age-onset neurodegenerative disorder: Huntington's disease
Président: Ray Truant, McMaster University
  1. Simonetta Sipione, University of Alberta:
    GM1 Ganglioside Therapy in Huntington's disease
  2. Stephen Ferguson, Western University:
    mGluR5 signaling and Huntingtin
  3. Lynn Raymond, University of British Columbia:
    Extra synaptic NMDA signalling in Huntington's disease
  4. Ray Truant, McMaster University:
    Using Biophotonics and Chemical Biology to define the Biological Function of Huntingtin
14:30 – 17:00 Affiches / Exposants
Commandité par: Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Québec
17:00 – 17:30 Assemblée générale annuelle de l'ACN - tous les membres de l'ACN sont invités à participer.
17:30-18:30 Séances parallèles:

  • Séance de mentorat: Cerveau en tête- Brain Awareness/Vulgarisation
    Conférencier invité Eric Chudler et séance d'affiches. Voir l'affiche
    Séance organisée et commanditée par: Queen's University Centre for Neuroscience Studies
  • Séance d'information Brain Canada-Fondation Neuro Canada, suivie de
    News from NSERC and NSERC funding possibilities (18:30 - 19:00)
  • Séances de mentorat: Rencontre avec les experts
    Commanditées par: University of Toronto Scarborough
    University of Toronto Scarborough pour étudiants, stagiaires et chercheurs juniors - inscription nécessaire, places limitées
    1. Marina Picciotto et Jaideep Bains:
      Systems neuroscience: addictions, stress, feeding, reward
    2. Ravi Menon et Helen Mayberg:
      Brain circuits and imaging
    3. René Hen et Michael Meaney:
      Memory, development, behavior, epigenetics
    4. Brian MacVicar et Michael W Salter:
      Molecular cellular neuroscience: glia, electrophysiology, pain mechanisms
19:00 – CAPnet CAN-ACN Social
Organisé par le Canadian Action and Perception Network
Où: Le Party Room au C'est What? Brew / Vin Pub Restaurant, 67 Front, coin Church (~1km S-E du Sheraton). De la nourriture sera servie avec un bar payant. Tous seront bienvenus, mais l'espace est limité alors RSVP en écrivant à Janice D'Silva

Vendredi, 24 mai, 2013
8:30 – 9:30 Sick Kids Research Institute Symposium plénier: Mechanisms of Memory
Commandité par: SickKids Research Institutes - Neuroscience and Mental Health
Présidé par: Sheena Josselyn, University of Toronto
Cathy Rankin, University of British Columbia:
High-Throughput PhenotypIc Analysis Reveals Multiple Genetically Dissociable Mechanisms of Habituation in C. elegans
Paul Frankland, University of Toronto:
Hippocampal neurogenesis, forgetting and infantile amnesia
9:30 – 9:45 Conférence «Cerveau en tête»: Maxime Rousseau, Baylor College of Medecine
Modeling Early-Onset Parkinson's Disease Using the DJ1-C57 Mouse.
9:45 – 10:00 Pause café
10:00- 11:00 Affiches / Exposants
Commandité par: The Hotchkiss Brain Institute
11:00 – 12:00 Conférence plénière: René Hen (Columbia University)
"Neurogenesis and generalization: impact on learning and anxiety"
Commandité par: Brain Reseach Centre, UBC
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:30 Affiches / Exposants
15:30 – 17:00 Symposiums parallèles
Symposium 9: Traumatic brain injury as a neurodegenerative disorder?
Présidente: Robin Green, University of Toronto
Commandité par: Institut des neurosciences, de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies (INSMT) des IRSC
  1. Robin Green, University of Toronto: Neurodegeneration in chronic moderate TBI: prevalence, behavioral correlates and treatment considerations
  2. Erin Bigler, Brigham Young University:
    Mechanisms of degeneration in moderate-severe TBI
  3. Gary R Turner, York University:
    Negative neuroplastic change in chronic TBI: parallels with healthy aging
Symposium 10: Different faces of polarized microglia in injured brain
Présidente: Jasna Kriz, Université Laval
Commandité par: Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Québec
  1. Lyanne Schlichter, University of Toronto:
    Potassium channels modulate classical versus alternative microglial activation
  2. Tiina Kauppinen, University of Manitoba:
    Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 (PARP-1) as a modulator of microglial functions
  3. Steve Lacroix, Université Laval:
    TGF-ß1 produced by myeloid cells contributes to early pathogenesis after spinal cord injury
  4. Jasna Kriz, Université Laval:
    Galectin-3 is endogenous modulator of injury-induced microglial activation and proliferation
Symposium 11: Functional plasticity of neural circuitry
Président: Kurt Haas, University of British Columbia
  1. Pejmun Haghighi, McGill University:
    Transcriptional regulation of synaptic growth and function: Genetic analysis of BMP signaling at the Drosophila NMJ
  2. Shernaz Bamji, University of British Columbia:
    Making memories stick: Adhesion molecules and synaptic plasticity
  3. Gautam Awatramani, University of Victoria:
    Past, present and future: How the retina anticipates the future to “see” the present
  4. Alanna Watt, McGill University:
    Transient Purkinje-Purkinje GABAergic synapses: Driving propagating activity directing cerebellar circuit development
Symposium 12: Making the leap from neural activity to behaviour and cognition
Présidente: Jennie Z. Young, MIT
Commandité par: Tucker-Davis Technologies
  1. James M Hyman, University of British Columbia:
    Keeping track of the present: Contextual representation in the anterior cingulate cortex
  2. Marshall G Hussain Shuler, Johns Hopkins University:
    A neural mechanism for learning reward timing
  3. Daoyun Ji, Baylor College of Medicine:
    Competition between internal and external drives in hippocampal spatial memory codes revealed by a neurodegenerative mouse model
  4. Kaori Takehara-Nishiuchi, University of Toronto:
    Learning-related changes in oscillatory coupling between the hippocampus, lateral entorhinal, and medial prefrontal cortices
-- Fin du congrès --